
Right? Like, basically all those shitty dads that Shannon describes—those are just a few of the jackass dad types actually out there, not just on TV...

Isn’t she going to play it that he made her dress that way? 

This is so dead-on, but one thing I’d add on to. There’s a not-small number of women who continue to sing Clinton’s praises not out of loyalty to women but some weird kind of...attraction? I don’t know what the word is. But more than once, I’ve read longwinded, gushing defenses of his behavior alongside seething

A Heath bar won’t cut the Skor cravings?

The newest episode of “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” podcast from Christianity Today talks about exactly this, and how Mark Driscoll peddled it in his megachurch. Pretty interesting/nauseating.

Is that why white kids don’t play basketball? According to you, teaching a child about gravity diminishes their desire to jump high.”

*chef’s kiss*

*male actors. And I’d wager the majority of those are comedians. It’s cool to be the fat funny guy (Farley, Belushi); I guess it’s even semi-cool to be the fat funny girl, as Hazel points out. But after Brando & Welles got fat, they became memes, regardless of their resumes as thinner men.

From a summary of Harvard’s inherent bias testing website’s results (article from 2019). Their tests show that 81% of people have a bias against fat people and it’s getting worse, so it makes sense that adding weight to emphasize fat bad guys’ fatness probably works.

Fat people are the last safe victims for assholes.

MLB would still protect the player. It’s just that her odds of protection from her employer may have gone up to 50/50. 

Read “Jesus & John Wayne” and weep for our future. Seriously, though, great book that outlines exactly how we got to this place where Quiverfull and crazy misogynist racists are now the loudest representatives of “Jesus”.

1) Taking my much-younger brother to the Star Wars reissue, specifically the moment when the logo hits the screen and the orchestra hits and no matter how many times you’ve seen it, you get a little frisson of “here we go...” and looking over to see the magic on his face.

2) Sitting the front row of a packed theater

I mean, I can answer that one. It’s not about dumb. It’s about white poor people are victims, but Black poor people are lazy. Duh.

Power and the ultimate entitlement. What is more intrinsic to us all than our own names? Same reason they changed slaves’ names when they came to America, same reason they won’t honor folks’ chosen pronouns, same reason they hold onto the n-word so tightly...if you have the authority to determine the validity of

Your post read to me like you are a white person who is saying that you, your mother, and your best friend are not racists, because cops have done bad things to you. But all other white people but you are still racist.

If I misunderstood, then I apologize. If that *was* what you were saying, then I again say, read the

Please return to the top of this article and read the second sentence.

This is such a difficult question for me. Doesn’t one have to be mentally ill somehow to do something like this? I mean, there are (sadly) a lot of men who are radicalized and hatemongers, but they don’t take the step that this asshole did. But somehow to assign it to “mentally ill behavior” feels like putting a

Probably not in a school setting--computer labs are still a thing.

It’s all good. I fan-girled on Emmy bc of Umbrella Academy, otherwise I prob would have done the same.

No, but Emmy Raver-Lampman and their interior designer can. If you read the article, praising him for the aesthetic seems a little misplaced. Sounds like she & the professional did most of the work.

Nah, it’s Camilla. Charles is probably racist but smart enough to know not to say it aloud. Camilla? Mmm...I don’t think so. She’s trash with a title.