
The “Need a Ride” one got to me, even though it’s objectively not as scary as some of the others, because I think my husband would have offered that dude a ride. He’s German and we live in Germany. Hitch hiking doesn’t have the same bad rep it has in America for being an open invitation to serial killers. We once

As I mentioned in another thread: I get sleep paralysis as well. What works for me is relaxing into the feeling, instead of fighting it. Then, I try to move a finger or toe instead of my whole body. It works every time. Maybe it won’t work for you, but if you haven’t tried it, it might be worth a shot.

Hey, I have hypnopompic hallucinations (seeing something for a second, at most, just upon waking; for me it’s usually bugs and they always disappear into a “mist”), as well as sleep paralysis and occasional night terrors. For the paralysis, don’t try to fight it. It makes it worse. Sink into it, if that makes any

View it like the rules in nosleep. They’re true even when they’re not.

Of course I had to google “worm in lip”. Let’s just say there are definitely results! None of them look particularly nice, though. D: In every video/pic the person’s lips are lopsided.

I wish articles like the HuffPo one referenced here, and the fat acceptance movement, would stop throwing around the “95% of diets fail” line. That may be true, but that’s entirely due to user error. If you go back to eating too much, then yes, you’re going to gain the weight back. Maintenance calories are higher than

I hate the “it’s part of their culture” argument to justify garbage behavior/traditions. Even as a vegetarian, I can still see the reason behind not agreeing with animals bred over thousands of years to be COMPANION ANIMALS being used for food, while still eating chicken, pigs, etc. The dogs in those farms are the

The only thing wrong with selling an appetite suppressant is if it’s a placebo or has actual harmful ingredients. Selling it to the already thin is silly, but a real appetite suppressant for someone FINALLY getting their over-eating under control isn’t a bad thing.

I agree. I still play the Sims, but to be honest, I still regret uninstalling Sims 3 because I still feel it’s a better game (if you have custom content) than Sims 4...and we’re probably at the stage now where Sims 5 will be released in a year or two. I understand it may take too much work to release each new Sims

I had a decent (not sure if it was high-end, but it was custom and expensive-ish) computer when Sims 3 came out, and the game ran great. Yes, the loading screen took longer than Sims 4 does now in that it took maybe 30 seconds to a minute, but after that the game was great even on high-end graphics.

He will be too old in 2020. Sorry, but it’s the truth. I’d rather see Kamala Harris or Tammy Duckworth run. Hell, I’d even take moderate Cory Booker over Sanders.

Because a lot of white women cry when they feel backed into a corner, when it comes to difficult conversations about race. It’s a defense mechanism and an attempt to derail the conversation. Even if she doesn’t realize consciously that’s why she’s doing it.

The kids are too cute to be the product of two Trumps. If they all looked like an even uglier Eric, I could believe it.

I graduated HS in 2005 and we had them a few times a year after Columbine happened. Sadly, it’s routine. Looking back, though, they were so planned that I don’t think we learned much. If we’d had a shooter and I hadn’t been in a classroom, I wouldn’t have known what to do. They only prepared us for locking the

Why would an artist send an award with THEIR name on it to the person who should have won? If anything, that seems like kind of a bigger fuck you than anything else. If they really deserved to win, and didn’t, do they need the reminder that someone else won? I agree with you about shout outs not being enough, but once

Have you considered therapy? I know that’s the default response a lot of people give, and I’m sorry for doing it, but I don’t think you deserve to feel like a fuck-up. You seem like someone who genuinely wants to be good person. You’re also clearly intelligent and a good writer. I think you have a lot of options,

I mean, to ACTUAL Irish, Italians, Danes, etc. they aren’t Irish, Italian, Dane, etc. They’re American. So maybe they should. /shrug

Yeah, I live in Germany now but I hung out with a lot of Europeans working in the USA before we moved here. They were only there to work and had no desire to stay long-term, other than maybe extending a work contract, because they were still getting the benefits of their home country while in our shithole. The idea of

This is so disappointing. I really like George Takei. :/ But I believe victims until they’re proven to be liars, which rarely happens. I’m worried, though, that someone eventually is going to be proven a liar. All the people calling these recent revelations (about Takei and others) “a witch hunt” will feel justified.

Because it could work for a year or two, and then she’s right back on the bottle. That’s two more (I’m assuming) prime dating years he’s wasted. He’ll also then be in deeper, and feel more guilt about leaving, even though it would be the best thing for him to do. A year is not a long time to know someone. You’re still