
There are much worse white dudes out there than Rand Paul. He’s not great, but he’s not even on the list of “needs to get punched” when the list of more deserving candidates already fills five pages.

Everyone is terrible. Conservative white men are much worse, though.

I doubt they have enough manpower and time to do this justice, but they should have two outcomes ready: an Alliance win, and a Horde win. Depending on how all the players do, overall, that’s the expansion ending they run with. Then the losers only have themselves (and their faction) to blame, instead of blind cries of

Yeah...a lot of the non-capital cities often give the impression that the war just isn’t a big deal.

A downward spiral, mostly. It’s pretty heartbreaking. :/

I think Tiresias is the alcoholic who was given an ultimatum, and it actually worked, so they’re taking this all a little too personally. :/ It’s great he or she got better, but they need to realize they’re the exception rather than the rule...

This. I know ONE guy who stayed sober. Most people eventually go back. What if it’s a year or two later, and he feels even MORE obligated then to stay with her? He needs to get out while he can.

I have the feeling he’s speaking highly of “sober her” because he doesn’t really know that side of her very well. It’s like when a spouse dies, and you start seeing them through rose-colored glasses. All their flaws fall away. But sober her without the comfort in the back of her mind that there’s beer later might not

Eh, sometimes things need to be said even if there’s no “nice way.” Someone who only wants to talk about her kid all the time is probably alienating other friends as well; maybe telling her to cut it out a little would help. If all she wants to talk about is her kid, it’s likely she’s doing that even with friends who

This is a nice little grammar reminder, but I think you’re missing the most important tip. Namely, don’t waste your time sending these to anyone but older or traditional family members, because no one else wants the paper waste.

That helps, and I’m usually a side sleeper anyway. But you can still have them. The one I had on my side was the first one I ever had, and I thought my husband was holding me down. Then I realized A) he can’t pin down every part of me and B) he would never do that. I realized I also couldn’t make noise. So I tried to

I have it and I agree.

I’m pretty sure this is her playlist for when she masturbates to pictures of Justin Trudeau.

I’m so happy for this interview! She’s my absolute favorite youtuber, and I’ve only recently discovered her. It was super disappointing when I ran out of “new to me” videos on her channel. I’m definitely going to get both of her books. She’s so charming and entertaining.

Some other “tips:”

I was just about to comment this. The public transportation issue still makes it hard for the poorest families to get to these stores, but they do exist. Not to mention the amazing famers market.

Yep! I saw it as an impressionable/gullible kid with my equally gullible mother. We thought it was actual found footage while watching the movie. It was oddly disappointing to find out it wasn’t real, but I think it actually taught me to be waaaay more skeptical.

I’m not participating and I agree that the focus on women, instead of the men causing these problems, is growing tiresome. We tip-toe around men’s feelings when, if they’re really so innocent, they wouldn’t feel the need to defend themselves. I don’t need to see the #metoo in order to understand the scope of the

If you really want to share the picture, you can always black out your face or put an emoji face over it. /shrug

My little brother used to sleep walk all the time, and for some reason he’d come to my room instead of my parents’. On the occasions where I woke up and saw him standing there, I’d scream, then he would wake up and scream, and then our parents would be pissed at us for making a racket. It was creepy af back then but