Echo's Despair

Even though she fired the shot her partner was the one who let Duante regain access to the car. That was negligent. He had time and should have moved Duante to the rear of the car and made sure the driver’s door was locked before trying to cuff Duante. She got rushed because the other cop let Duante escalate the

It’s on the dominant side so you can draw it faster if you need it, the taser is deliberately on the other side so you don’t accidentally pull the wrong one by accident (with them both on the same side).

Yes, the defense can have as many types of defense as they want.

You absolutely can have parallel legal theories offered to a jury as a defense to a criminal charge, the problem usually is that a jury doesn’t quite like that and they just want a single reason for an acquittal. What you can’t do, however, is have the jury acquit based upon 6 voting for one defense theory and 6

“...her defense continues to call the shooting an accident and that Potter was still right to use deadly force to protect a fellow officer”

My parents to this day occasionally swap me and my sister’s names. I have been called the cat’s name. I have been called my mom’s name. I have had the cat called by my name. At this point, I just show up just in case like pets do in case there’s food involved 

I have to shake my head at every black person co-signing this election fraud nonsense. We are the people who’s votes the GOP wants to invalidate. I just can’t deal with anymore of this foolishness.

Plus the complete failure to even enter a charge of vigilantism, which would have been DEAD easy to prove and thus taken "self defense" off the table as a claim; vigilantism is a crime and you can't claim self defense when you wwre in the midst of committing a crime.

For some reason, the fact that the incidents in this trial weren’t scenes in a 2021 version of Dr Strangelove - that this all took place in an IRL US court - having to acknowledge that these things really happened.... For some reason this trial chilled me to the bone in a way I haven’t experienced since the day DFT

Still don’t think that’s a good enough reason for them to get shot, but I will say it’s a good enough reason to remind the absolute fuckwits who quote MLK Jr. saying “riots are the voice of the unheard” that MLK Jr. offered that quote in a nuanced speech where he ultimately came down against rioting as a useful form

This worthless little cowardly piece of shit was excited to polish up his rifle and head on down there to flex and nothing less. This pug faced little cunt was free before the trial even started.

This was a warning. Basically white men have been given the right that if thye do not like you or your political beliefs they have now been given the right to end your life. The fact that he killed two white men and was set free should chill people to their fucking bones. Period. The sick part is to come, this piece

The victims are Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, two white men who were at a rally to protest the shooting of Jacob Blake”

Since this is my people under discussion I’ve been thinking about this.

They want to win a Superbowl. He’s probably the best quarterback out there right now.

“What’s it like being dumb?”

Should white people today feel bad about the suffering Black people endured as slaves for 400 years? Well, yes, all people should feel bad about anybody suffering now or in the past. (I’m pretty sure Black people already feel bad about the suffering their ancestors endured.)

I deal with clinically diagnosed schizophrenic and psychotic people (often both) in my job in mental health all the time. They're often nicer and more rational than this.

[Looks suspiciously both ways.]

>> If you decline me you lose, if you block me, yes you lose!

OF COURSE his name is “Jeff”.