Echo's Despair

How did a kid make it to AP English and not learn the skill of critical reading or reading in context. Literature isn’t only about fun stories, it takes thought to understand and gain from.

Sure, they want to ban Beloved. I wonder if Huckleberry Finn is still on that reading list?

The most interesting history comes from the uncomfortable history. We can’t just learn about the stuff that’s easy. By studying the monsters, we can spot, and stop, the proto-monsters in our midst.

This is absolutely true. White people are infantilized by white culture because if they feel bad, they might start asking the wrong questions or acting in a way that changes something, even if it’s just the ability of the white majority to pretend that everything is fine.

I made a conscious decision as a white father

It’s called compassion and empathy.  Do you feel anything when you read about historical atrocities?  Or even contemporary ones?

“...I don’t have to make white kids feel bad for being white.”

As Richard Rothstein says in the Color of Law.

This is the key of the entire deal.

That shit has been in the works for awhile now. I heard Amy Goodman on Democracy Now talk about that want quite some time ago.

with over 700, 000 deaths (just in the US) from Covid. I think the ratio wins out whatever the vaccination death rate you think it is.

You can’t even spell healthcare. I’m also a healthcare worker, but from a country with a much better handle on the pandemic. Does that make me your God, now?

He can respect the fucking consequences then.  I’m real sick of antivaxxers wanting to have their cake and then bring their plague rat ass over to have mine too.

Graper denied saying she would kneel on the boy’s neck, but instead said words to the effect of, “you wonder why you guys get (expletive) kneeled on,” according to the complaint.

“Moderate Dem” = Right Wing.

There’s something poetic about this - this is the hill they want to die on, but they fell down. Like if Ozymandias was in the PTA.

While the NRA wants us all to remember that guns don’t kill people, people kill people, the people with the guns go out to remind us that they really want to kill people. Like, a lot.

1. Azithromycin, or Z-Pak as its much more fun to say brand name, is typically used for respiratory infections. I know this because I’m in health care and I had an upper respiratory two Februraries in a row with the 2nd being during the 1st COVID outbreak. I was scared shitless because I’m up all night coughing

1. She’s taking an antibiotic for a virus. Antibiotics work only against bacteria. Taking an antibiotic when you don’t have a bacterial infection only adds to the quickness that the antibiotic stops working against actual bacteria.

Assholes: “We don’t want you to be spoiled. Starve!”
Same assholes: “I am a Christian! I could never do anything bad!”

It’s not just Florida’s problem, unfortunately, and never has been.  Unless we can set up a blockade at the border and shutdown flights, as goes Florida, so goes the rest of the U.S.  The people popping back in forth to their timeshare, Disney, to see gran and gramps, taking cruises, etc. keep adding fuel to the fire