Jess Hahn

Jess was an ass on Gilmore Girls, so why do you like him but not Duke on This Is Us?

Where did I tell her what she should do? All I did was point out a contradiction.

Carbonell was terrific, but how does he get MVP over what Highmore achieved?

I'm pretty sure Larson was in nearly every sketch, and I certainly am not sure what 30 minute stretch had her absent. Maybe when Alicia first performed and then Weekend Update happened, but that's understandable.

I really loved the first two scenes with Will, and they even made sense in context. The last one was too much, though, and felt forced.

I'm glad I didn't see this at the time of writing because it would have upset me. I would love to know how "Hero" sounds like "Emotions" and how either of those sound like "Honey." All are #1s, yet all are very different. None of them sound like "Vision of Love" either.

I don't need 2000 words to make my point.

Good for her on the one tour, but if being a feminist is about equality, then it seems like she could have found at least 1 female producer with whom to work, no? If we are going to justifiably say that businesses that only hire white males are racist/sexist, then how is Beyonce only working with male producers and

The picture of the video. I was talking about her ALBUM. Check the credits for guests artists and producers. All male.

Well, Beyonce didn't invite black women to produce her album or guest on it (just men) so I guess it's ultimately fitting.

This show better get a Comedy Series nod at the Emmys!

The most neglected person is a black woman…so Beyonce proceeds to put 4 male guest artists on the album (and no women) and proceeds to use all male producers (i.e. no women). That seems odd, at a minimum.

If it's for and about black women, why are all of the guest artists male? And why are all of the producers male? Many of them are white, too.

If this is all about female empowerment, then why are most of her collaborators (and all of the guest artists) male?

I'm still not convinced Jessica is a good friend to Honey.

The opening was riveting, but Cochran's hypocritical habits are annoying. So, OJ's past abuse is irrelevant but Fuhrman's past slurs are relevant? And black people can look past the n word but can't look past OJ's 'white' house?

In terms of comedy, don't forget his terrific appearance on Will & Grace.

You seem to rave about the episodes but then give a B- or B. What gives?

While the Diane plot was a bit aimless, I loved the touch of having her opposing attorney be the attorney Alicia wanted to hire back in season 3.

In what way is the song "Somebody I Used To Know" empty? That song is straight emotion.