Jess Hahn

Ok, no way Noah and Alison remember her confession of the baby daddy so differently. I couldn't get past that.

Peggy's boss wants to get with her.

The first Charlie moment in the bathroom was D'Angelo. And it was perfect if you've seen the music video.

I thought they gave the older boys some layers with the Neosporin bit.

I'm loving Alicia being in bond court. It's giving her a different type of client, and it's letting the show explore a new (and complex) aspect of the criminal justice system. I love how even though we had sympathy with Alicia's client last night, the reality is Alicia fighting for her did impact dozens (if not more)

"Wait Til Your Father Gets Home" is perhaps the best episode of TV period, so its exclusion from the top 10 here is odd. No episode I've seen has mixed humor (Jackie's phone call, Bev's conversation to her husband's mistress) with genuine emotion (Roseanne's talk to Darlene, Roseanne reading the letter to her dad).

I think it was just an example of the show avoiding the courtroom; as in, it has always shown how law is debated in many ways other than court (from arbitration to negotiations to depositions to universities to mock trials).

I ask this seriously; do you have poor long-term memory? Why does Cary need to have done more the past few weeks for his decision to hold weight? We've known Cary for 6 years!

I don't see how this was stationary considering how it changed things for Alicia and moved Kalinda's story line along. It was also very prescient in regards to the gay marriage thing. Crazy.

I'm still bitter Parvati didn't win this season. Considering she was target #1 from the very first episode, the fact that she made the final was amazing. She played the heck out of that season.

You are just now getting mad at Peter? What? Anyway, I did like the reminder that Alicia still needs him. It also pointed out that Alicia is still "good" when compared to him.

But didn't the show set it up to be a LG clone? Clear parallels were made between Alicia/Cary and Diane/Will. If anything, it's not an actual clone, though, especially if Alicia wins State's Attorney. It would then be more like Cary taking over Will's role with Diane.

Alicia hasn't had many scenes with the other main cast members either, though.

We don't know that her relationship with Finn has come to nothing. Finn is still on the show. Something could still happen between them. Alicia knows now isn't the time to start something that could be serious.

I disagree. I have loved the dynamic between she and Bishop, and she's had a lot of great material in the way her relationship with Cary was explored. This is the best season for Kalinda since season 3, if not season 2.

Yeah I think the Elfman thing is about getting laid. Her connection with Finn is deeper, which also means it's something she can't address yet.

Margulies and Baranski are great friends who hang out a lot.

No real mention of the subtext of Will's death by shooting?