Jesse Pinkerton

I liked the episode, although it did feel like a set-up for the finale. With some tighter editing they could have made this into a two-parter with a bit of a cliff-hang into next week's episode.  But there was still lots to like: brotherly camaraderie, C(h)as, Boogertron, discoveries in the Letters lair.

@Kumagoro:disqus  & @avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus

I agree 100% about Tulloch. I remember finding Hank to be pretty fucking irritating when he was out of the Wesen loop, and actually much more so than I've ever been annoyed by Juliette - although I agree the writing for her character is terrible.

I don't know about anyone else, but my vote is for Groobies too.

Seconded - I also thought she was Bilson, from the promo - and had the same moment of "I thought she had her own show"

I really like how I find the Sheriff is just really impossible to read with any certainty.

@avclub-e3019767b1b23f82883c9850356b71d6:disqus Fair enough. I just hope it plays out so Shae survives it. 

(BASTARDIZED) SPOILERS: In regards to Shae, I'm sort of hoping that she is the one who kills Tywin and Tyrion helps her by covering her tracks (or else they are in it together).  I'd kind of like her to stick around as Sansa's handmaiden during the whole marriage storyline.  She is such a great character I would

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus That scene with Bob and the coffee was so great. It felt a bit like the Cheese Guy from Buffy's Restless episode, or some quirky non sequitur from a David Lynch character.

All he is flaying, are pieces of hands.

(AV Club Librarian) x 3!

I am pretty sure the hunter's Wesen breed was based on an owl. I think
he spun his neck around almost all the way, at one point. I don't think they mentioned it in-show, though.

I agree Batmanuel is the likely candidate. I was also thinking that if Norma and Dylan ever give in to that creepy incest vibe they've got going on, that might be what finally puts Norman over the top.

And bail alerts.

I wouldn't be overly shocked if I'm wrong but I don't think this is where it is going yet
So far, they've been pretty consistent about showing Norman go into a murderous fugue state in response to insults to Norma or physical threats to Norma.  And that time Norman hallucinated that he was talking to Norma the

That cane-beating scene also reminded me of Begbie, in the most sanitized way possible. 

I have no complaints about the actor but I don't like the character at all. He comes off as a smothering control freak and I hope that writers tone down his "hard-boiled detective" grossness. I actually hope he is replaced with a (much more pleasant) clone of his own.

This was sort of my thought as well - not specifically the fertility problems but just that Sarah may be the only one without any genetic issues. I thought the Helena-Sarah connection might be more one of Sarah is the perfect "copy" and Helena is the perfectly-flawed one.  Two sides of the coin, etc.

Maybe "on the front line" is a better description. I see the three main clones as more of a team for sure, each playing a part/doing what they can -  but I do see Sarah as the main character.

Shelby would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids.