
Surprise, legacy car guy that doesn’t know he’s a dinosaur doesn’t approve. This is happening in multiple industries. The nerds won. Cling on to the decisive design as long as you can bud, it’s your only shot with this thing towing f150s like rag dolls. 

holy clickbait article that was published after this was turned off server side. Thanks for being part of the news problem. You’re bad at your job. 

then you probably shouldn’t be surprised when you get flamed in said comments section

i’m here just to tell you, you were in fact a dick about it. go home.

you’re the idiot, (your term, not mine!) if everyone goes by the rules, and no one goes by what they are scared might happen, things would be fine. You’re a the essence of why we can’t have nice things.

my fucking god, he had a moment of self reflection and horror, and you need to jump on his. Does that get you more feminist points? How did you in your head take he was dismissing victims? It’s not about feminism. It’s about equality. Anything that promotes one race / sex over another should not be thought of as good.