Both Trump and Republicans need to be dragged over the coals for this hypocrisy. They bitch and moan over the Iran deal but when Saudi Arabia wants nuclear power it's A-OK? Bullshit.
Both Trump and Republicans need to be dragged over the coals for this hypocrisy. They bitch and moan over the Iran deal but when Saudi Arabia wants nuclear power it's A-OK? Bullshit.
I would assume if you could afford this house today could also afford the cleaning staff.
Continuing my opinion that Bill Maher is shit.
You fools! Now we'll all b cursed!
Personally, as a white person so grain of salt, if it happens Europe or America whatever. If it happens in Japan the... Why?
I mean I wasn't a huge fan of the new Alita movie but it got enough right I'm willing to give Hollywood one or two chances on a anime adaptation.
As long as there’s no national attempt to criminalize abortion.
Replace them with anyone that's not a Republican.
Honestly more likely would be abortion tourism. In fact I wonder if you could set up some clinics in Canada just for that.
Yeah Trump needs to go in 2020. I mean say goodbye to progressive policies if Trump gets another Supreme Court judge.
Just show me the cute waifu character that will represent this new era.
It does expect you to get into enemies faces and I had a harder time with the first "fuck you get good" boss fight than in other soulsborne games. So yeah, it's more difficult imo. Wether it's fair or not? Eh.
Honestly I think he’s just plain stupid.
That was before a hurricane kicked them in the balls and the federal governments reaction was a yawn. I’m thinking support for statehood is much higher these days.
The ground will be littered by the souls who tried to take on... "Curry".
Actually I do believe there's some studies show that there's a correlation between drinking too hot liquids and throat cancer so...
I think that after the months of not years this case was deliberated the jurors became as expert in pesticides as a layman can. Certainly more than you.
They can have all my cate memes and gifs.
I was going to make fun but... Damn, I feel kind of sorry for him.