Also cooking. Cooking seems to be big in anime/manga.
Also cooking. Cooking seems to be big in anime/manga.
The manga is translated in english and the anime is on a english streaming service with english subtitles. It is being marketed to us in a western market with western values we are going to judge it by western values.
Giant eighteen inch horse dicks.
And then they get transported to another world while they simultaneously save a girl from being run over by a truck but they know kendo so that’s ok.
I know that feeling. Worked for three years as a mobile security guard on the graveyard shift on twelve hour shifts. It did finally get to me and I had a prolonged mental breakdown. Still working as a security guard with twelve hour shifts but this time during the day shift which is sooo much better. I get to actually…
Puerto Rico needs to be in the News more. The fact that American citizens are being treated like this should be a national and international disgrace.
Yeah but we meant to sympathize with Archie not ponder if his racist attitudes have merit. I’m more than a little skeptical.
I just don’t see Roseanne Connor as a Trump supporter. Would she really be ok with Trumps, or Republicans, attitude towards LGBTQ people considering her support of one of her best friends coming out and how she tells off her husband for being weirded out by it? I don’t buy it.
Yes. Honestly I find almost as bad as parents who want child to get into sport. Except with less yelling and getting into fights with other pa- on second thought it is kind of like that.
I’ve never understood why this is such a big deal for parents. Your nerd thing is important to your life it doesn’t mean your nerd thing is going to be important in yours. Same with gaming.
“Oh what a cute goat... wife... sex slave?”
There’s probably a lot of people who like Trump being tough with China without really thinking about what a trade war with China would actually look like.
It’s probably in my top five.
She’s on Netflix. Didn’t even need to crack open the almanac.
Do we want her to?
Yup. Democrats fustrate me a lot of the time but every single one of them have something that Republicans no longer have. Shame. I don’t know many Democrats who would target a survivor of gun violence because they thought it would be a solid political move.
Games exist to make a profit.
Yeah until sex toys get AI chips my cocern is going to be somewhat moderated.
In anime terms?