IF Trump is kicked out in two years and IF there is a change in congress.
IF Trump is kicked out in two years and IF there is a change in congress.
Can we just agree not to be assholes? Like not even agree that transgenderism exist. Just agree to not actively make their lives worse.
Holy shit, popular people on popular platform sometimes get targeted by wacko’s! What a world...
I mean... yeah but I have to be honest, I’d think twice about working for a Catholic School if I was gay and there was any other option.
There. Right there. That’s what an asshole says.
Because having a talent means you never do anything wrong.
Honestly, I disagree. I’ve read comic books since I was a kid, from X-men to Maus. I fully agree that they can be insightful, intelligent and thought provoking. But they are not “books”. Calling them books disregards what is different and wonderful about them both. They engage different parts of your brain, use…
...but his supporters keep telling us he’s still the President...
Maybe. But what RumHammered is saying, I think, is that what Trump is alleged to have done is a crime as in against the law. While you’re using crime in a larger sense. Can you prove in a court of law that what Bush did was illegal or against the constitution. Was what he did an impeachable offence.
I don’t know. I’m hoping there are enough Democrats with balls to do it.
Depends on what Mueller gives them. There’s a good chance Trump is at least guilty of money laundering and fraud. And they have to know that there voters want them to impeach him. Unless there’s good reason no to.
I believe Doug Jones voted yes. So...
I’m not missing the point I am disagreeing with yours. And I’m pretty sure they did ask why CHIP and DACA were on the spending bill. Doesn’t change that Republicans put it on the spending bill and creating a situation where Democrats had no choice but to vote against it so they could create political hay out of it.…
Yes, the Republicans stopped funding CHIP and repealed DACA and put them on an unpopular spending bill to force Democrats to either vote for it or shut down the government. If Republicans didn’t want the government to shut down they could have solved this months ago or allowed Democrats to vote for them separately.…
They do pay taxes.
I believe it’s the first shut down where a party controls all three levels of federal government.
Yeah no you’re full of shit. Trump and Republicans own this. Democrats repeatedly tried to work with them and they were shut down every time. Republicans defunded Chip and Trumps decision to repeal DACA. This was a situation that was created by the right to force Democrats into a corner.
Trump and the GOP have no interest in working with or compromising with the Democrats. Dem’s offered to compromise with them far more than I would be comfortable with and they still got shot down. It’s time to end the fiction that the GOP in it’s current form is interested in working with Democrats. There is no easy…
This is what happens when people who don’t think the government works gets elected to make sure the government doesn’t work. In Canada this would have meant an immediate election.