
But you have to choose which character to S rank Nowi with...

A youth 12 years old? That reduces your ability to manage society or to physically defend yourself by a considerable amount.

Yeah but depicting those interactions are questionable at best.

Because 9 year olds shouldn’t be sexualized and I’m just as put off by violence against young kids.

It’s no Miss Marvel getting the romantic feels for her fake baby man... but it’s still really bad.

At some point you have to go “eh, it’s Japan” and take the good with the bad.

Y-yeah. No matter how much I like the character it’s hard to look past the butt shots and the loliconess. Although personally I find the Shouta character kind of more... troubling.

Hey man, they’re the ones who decided to market it to another culture. Not our fault we’re going to judge it by our standards.


I never thought I’d consider a royal wedding to be a landmark event. But it really is historic. American divorcee from mixed parentage marrying into royalty. That’s... progress. I mean they’ve joined the 20th century but still. Progress.

At this point we can agree independence was a mistake.

But we don’t die young anymore. Nor do we force young women into marriages for political or financial gain where they are essentially raped since I doubt they consented to the marriage or sex.

But hey, he didn’t have to abdicate so... progress?

The irony, I’m sure, is lost on her.

Veritas vs. Veritas. Battle for truth in the Bronx. Tonight at 9!

If there is no market there is no product.

Ooh I get paid Friday! ...but I work Friday. Damn.

Still criminal and still contributing to a child porn industry which exploits children.