
Time to burn the car and get a new one. No I don’t care it left.

I hear they’re working with democrats to come up with a fair compromise to tax reform.

Hey look guys. Pizzagate is real. 

Except he went out and did criminal acts.

Now playing

They also did the theme song for Are You Being Served. Really a fascinating group.

Am I really the only one who snickered at “Dickin”? Seriously? I am the only child here? Ok then...

I just like telling them that no, in fact I don’t remember them and watching their hearts break a little.

Like... 46% is still bad dude!


Which sucks because it’s one example assholes get to use to claim people facing actual harassment are lying.

Also the GOP still have people on the ground in Alabama helping him with the election so...

It’s good in the sense that it’s a simple rebuke to the idea that they work for the democrat party. But... yeah, very head scratchy.

Satan is exactly the type of politician Evangelicals would vote for.

Depends on the polls. Although the ones I saw were before this current allegation.

Honestly I’ve just started all caspsing “THEY WERE CHILDREN” to Republicans on twitter.

She probably knows that a lot of Trumpers think they are paid plants by the Democratic party and the Washington Post.

Because it didn’t happen to them? I don’t know. Maybe because they weren’t well known, she thought it was a liberal media smear campaign (ironic if true) or maybe it’s just the good old “anybody but a liberal”.

She married for money and somehow became first lady. Maybe a bit of an idiot but that’s not the worse crime in the world.

Remember 2016? Good times...