When Weistein’s assholery became public knowledge he was rightly called an asshole and a predator. When Trump’s assholery became public knowledge it was excused or ignored.
When Weistein’s assholery became public knowledge he was rightly called an asshole and a predator. When Trump’s assholery became public knowledge it was excused or ignored.
Either way it’s preying on people with addictive personalities and can be very damaging to peoples lives. A warning on the box would not be remiss.
Any body else watching that Centaur No Nayamo show? Man that show takes a left turn.
Yes well, you can either do something or you can say whatever shit you want to distract from the fact that you are doing nothing.
Well apparently Mensa has offered to give a IQ test to both Tillerson and Trump so...
But you also say in your review “Instead of wasting time fighting yet another orc, I could just buy a box using the ample amounts of in-game cash I’d amassed and get some cool new additions to my roster” which says to me gameplay was effected by the inclusion of microtransactions.
There’s $59.99 for the standard, $79.99 for the silver edition, $99.99 for the gold edition. If you get the standard edition you still have to buy the extra story content which is $49.99 ($39.99 on PSN) plus microtransactions.
Except some of the best selling games of the last decade look like shit.
If they are in a product in a game you already spent $60 on and effect gameplay ina singleplayer setting then yes.
Also, a lot of games aren’t $60 anymore.
So there solution is to make the game worse and using a controversial tactic which will turn off a lot of potential buyers.
Sounds like a clusterfuck needlessly tacked onto a game that makes it frustrating and confusing for the customer. I mean at least with Overwatch it’s pretty easy.
Don’t know about Frau Kojiro but Futaba might hit a bit to close to home for some of these guys.
Also inherent sexism in a lot programming jobs.
Maybe it pays better than programming.
No, I think you just failed.
And then realise he’s probably talking about you and me.
At least they’re not making Briar Rabbit?
Rod Serling would think this was too far fetched.
I never got the hang of it.