
And the ACLU defended their right to protest...

I wonder what he’s polling at now? America can’t get rid of his wrinkly old ass soon enough.

In contrast...

Which would be great if these raid bosses were impossible to beat without a large group and a large group does not happen unless you live in a high population area. I would have preferred if they just made them a normal encounter.

Honestly I’m hoping whoever is holding back from the Russia investigation is scared shitless to the point they say “fuck it, prison is better than this shit.”

Whatever distracts people.

Well, it’s one country that can’t really fight back or nuke it’s neighbours out of spite.

For one brief moment before the blast hits them, at least Trumpflakes can rest easy knowing that at least Hillary wasn’t President.

I kind of feel bad for thinking they should have left them. But only kind of.

I mean we’re probably OK. Probably.

Hopefully more Splatoon. I started a new job this week which, at least for now, means twelve hour days in the hot, hot sun. Hopefully that will change. I downloaded Disgaea to pass the time and... yeah, lots of fighting enemies in items and watching the damage counter go up.

Hey look at that, apples and oranges.

But it’s a patreon thing right, not actual money exchanging hands.

Yeah, I think I’m actually going to take the modders side on this one. They aren’t asking for direct payment for mods, I’m going to guess none of these mods actually effect gameplay and it’s just a cosmetic change.

Oh God TERFS. I didn’t realise they were this bad in Canada until the Trans rights issue came up recently.

We’re still dealing with racial issues. I don’t think transphobia is going away anytime soon. I’d give it another 100 years. 

The one question I got, the only question I got, is was there no one at Nintedo who raised their hand and asked, “Hey, doesn’t mayo kind of look like semen?”

My God, why was the Draconians only used once?! The make-up effects are awesome. Even better than a lot of new Who aliens. I really hope they bring them back for the new season.

OK, I’d still tip... but what she did was unacceptable.

Eh, that’s not a sure thing. Sometimes assholes are just assholes.