
Did it follow the stage play or the book?

I’ve found “don’t be an idiot” to be a useful philosophy.

So Kok was a... dick.

Hey, if you’re good enough to make money doing what you then make as much bank on it as you can.

Yes, there is though. And it is unclear how much of a problem it is. There’s a reason why most content for VR is short and only specific types of genre are popular on VR. They rejiggered Doom just to accommodate people who have that problem. Again, until people see a wide range of content coming out at regular

As for me I want a wide range of experiences available on a regular, monthly basis and at least some assurance it’s not going to make me sick before I spend that much money on a VR machine.

That’s why I sued “I”. The well-known issue of nausea is causing a lot of people to second guess any purchase of a VR device until that is solved for the majority of players. I know I’m not spending that much money on a device that might be that uncomfortable to use. And yeah, I think for the majority of people they

I still expect an indie title to be fun. In that sense, I judge all games equally.

I’m sure there’s a lot of cool stuff out for VR I just don’t see enough to justify the price especially when I don’t know if prolonged use will make me sick or not. Give me a wide variety of AAA and indie titles and some assurance I won’t puke and then we’ll talk.

Both games several years old and although Doom has been revamped for VR Fallout 4 has not. Call me back when there is a consistent output of games which at least equals Nintendo’s Switch output and not just small indie games but a wide variety of AAA and indie content.

Personally, I don’t like using that word and have even appealed to fellow lefty’s not to. Leave that shit to the assholes of the world.

Don’t know. Downloaded Fallout 4. For the first time ever I’m playing an asshole. But I should get further in Bloodborne. I’m close to killing the crow. Then the amygdala boss which I hate because it forces me to fight against other players and then the next real boss and just watch everything go to hell.

Let me tell you... About Obama.

I mean it is fascinating/fucking hilarious watching this go down.


There are two things I expect from Trumpflakes; moving the goal post and making everything about Hillary.

It’s a two issue agenda. They don’t really care about anything other than destroying LGBT rights and abortion. Hell, they are ignoring 95% of the Bible just to focus on one minor law mentioned once or twice and something that takes a whole lot of interpretation.

Honestly, this is why Lefty’s need to stop shitting bricks over a Pence Presidency. It’s already fucking bad.

He’d still be rich.

At the very least someone might read it and go “oh, there’s another side to this story. I try to use primary sources if I can and steer clear from left opinion sites. If nothing else it usually shuts them up.