
I just finished watching most of Babylon 5 a couple of weeks ago and it and it actually struck me how President Clark kind of reminded me of Trump. An overweight white guy controlled by foreign powers to sow chaos and discord while the rest us look on in horror as our once ally descends into authoritarian rule.

Blood of the Patriarchs?

“So basically we all belong to Russia now... but hey, her emails amirite!”

Because if you were going to go to the trouble of giving an Android boobs why wouldn’t you make them jiggle?

Co0l. That and this comment is the extent of my reaction.

Honestly I wish they’d focus on the Switch and put those games on the virtual console FOR THE SWITCH.

I only played it on the PC but I found it very frustrating. Maybe I’m just not used to flight sims but I hated fighting and could not get my head around parking the ship.

The real answer is any of them since although they are in the same universe the stories are only superficially connected to each other.

I have trouble getting into 1 and 2 since their gameplay feels antiquated to me. 3 is good 4 is one of my favorite games and 5 is excellent as well.

Hee, cunny.

I actually find it a bit easier. Although maybe I just don’t have enough patience for DS3.

Bloodborne. Finally got through Rom so I thought I’d be prepared to take on the Crow questline and nope. Although I almost got it on my third try mostly by cheesing it. Just a lot of ranged attacks. But the hunter staggered me and that was that. Also found out the bloody ribbon I found belonged to the little

I’ve learned to use the #sarcasm quite liberally.

Overwatch has a plethora of body types and personalities from thin, stocky, overweight, disabled, sex and sexuality.

More like “Me or me twenty minutes from now when I admit I totally did it but it’s ok”

Also, hot dog means boy.

You forget that they’re fake news, libtard elitists suckling off the teat of the federal government while hard working true Americans get their health care from Jesus like God intended.

In first grade I was a massive Star Wars fan, was freaked out by the mind parasites in Wrath of Khan and hated scalloped potatoes. Nothing much has changed.

Everybody who works for him is terrible at their jobs. I may have disagreed with a lot of what Bush stood for but at least the people he hired had a concept of what their jobs entailed. They at least knew how to spin.

OK, now I have that image in my head.