
I’m not race baiting I’m just looking at the optics. Because it’s not like children from Somalia had any issues with men in uniforms taking them from their families. Because that will convince parents from a country ravaged by civil war to trust officials. Because it’s not like there aren’t ample economic and cultural

So basically fuck doing basic research on the subject, fuck understanding the root causes and fuck understanding what some of the possible solutions are because you’d rather be outraged and feel superior.

Entitled parents as in the poor refugee families with cultural and economic barriers to information and proper health care. Could people please think before posting?

So a largely white police force coming to take the children of vulnerable recent arrivals from a country torn apart by Civil War. Yeah, that’s really going to help those children. But hey, with Trump as President anything is possible.

From doing the minimal amount of research, Somali immigrants have triple the unemployment rate in Minnesota, suffer from language and cultural barriers as well as some of the same barriers any minority faces in America getting proper health care and factual information.

I got butt rumped by a giant. I think I might not be very good at Dark Souls

Too many things. Lots of Switch games, Persona 5 (which I’m kind of stuck in), I restarted Bier Automata and after watching the Superbestfriends playthrough of Dark Souls I thought I’d download Dark Souls 2. I got as far as making my character.

One should not underestimate the growing movement against Trump and the right that has been spawned since the election. But one should also not underestimate the pig headed hatred and stupidity that got Trump elected in The first place.

I doubt it.

I’ve had matches like that. Get hit by the blue shell, then two reds, a green for good measure, a lightning bolt, and oh look, someone not me had a mushroom. And now my substantial lead turned into fourth place.

Nah, that fucker gets health care.

If Tiny Tim didn’t want to be crippled he should have worked harder in my workhouse!

He’s incompetent enough he might not be as damaging as we fear. There, I said something nice.

Yeah well, I’m worried that’s the common reaction to evil before it becomes mainstream.

If the election proved anything is that at least 30% of Americans are assholes. I can believe it.

But​ it’s not a broken arm.

First off, isn’t that cheating? Sort of? Not every player has access to a buggy controller unlike a bug in the game. Ideally shouldn’t they be using the same controllers?

Yeah if it was a narrative change or even a costume change I could understand taking an ideological stance. But it’s one sign with an obviously unintended reference. It isn’t anything that’s going to effect the game.

Sure, but I don’t think most people would take that interpretation. They’d probably just assume that they didn’t know. Changing it doesn’t change anything and leaving it doesn’t really change anything.