Jesse in Japan

There’s reasons to feel bad everyday. If we condemn this game for having an unhappy ending we might as well do the same to every story that ended on a downer.

Exactly. The story made you mad? Or upset? Sounds like it worked. 

Absolutely agree. I’ve seen some people suggest the story would have worked better with a different structure, but I completely disagree. You HAVE to go with Ellie on her rampage first because she doesn’t have the benefit of context or hindsight. The game wants you to hate along with Ellie, delight in her kills, be

She was a medic which they highly needed and as far as they could tell they weren’t in any danger on the way there, it was a surprise ambush. I can just tell you didn’t actually play the game and are just parroting critiques that have been copied and pasted a million times already.

How is a pregnant woman going on a mission considered a "plot hole?"

I think it was really gutsy of them to allow Ellie to be come a villain in this one, knowing it would evoke a lot of negative emotions from gamers who love the character. I’m glad they did it anyway, because it was a realistic direction for them to take her and it made sense for her character, despite how hard it was

Also the idea that nobody grew... I mean did they even play this game?? EVERYONE is changed in meaningful ways by the end.

I appreciate your impassioned response but you are wasting your energy. Critics like this have no grasp of subtext or the immaterial. They will never evaluate or experience the game beyond “A happens then B happens then C happens.” Anybody who thinks that Abby or Ellie end the game without experiencing character

A large portion of those who “hated it” never played it. They read the story leaks, let their homophobic and/or transphobic anger come out, and have littered any online coverage of the game every day since. Some go the extra step and send anti-Semitic slurs at Neil Druckmann. They’ll hide behind Joel’s fate, but not

Also, these conversations always seem to miss the fact that sometimes an abortion is needed because the fetus isn’t viable. Sometimes abortion is the only moral, merciful choice. These limits on abortion access can put people in the position of having to give birth to babies with no chance at survival, which is cruel

they don’t care. It’s about saving the baby UNTIL it’s born, then shame the mother and child both.

Fuck off. Why should she sideline her own career in deference to her husband’s? The woman wants to work. She earned a doctorate in pursuit of that work. She has every right to keep working and to be paid for that work.

Considering trump golfing outing cost secret service 130million+ which by the way paid to the golf course owner which is the president himself. The president who despite inflated pricing given to secret services, only paid usd 750 income tax and currently being investigated for fraud by NY state.

Please shut up. Thank you. 

Maybe save the complaints for when she makes the Secret Service buy merch at the bookstore. You know, like Trump charging them for literal drinking water at the clubhouse.

Not even remotely a close comparison.

I just can’t see how Apple’s cut and billing practices are anticompetitive. They own half the market, and the other half of doing the same thing.

Most people make an analogy that the iPhone is Apple-Mart and Epic is arguing they should be allowed to setup their own shop inside of that Apple-Mart.

“bUt ThE mArKeT cAn ReGuLatE iTsElF!”

Huh. Honestly wouldn’t have expected a counter-suit. Not a huge surprise though. Apple’s interest in protecting their business model must be higher than I thought.

I think Epic did what was right, here. They’ve got sales from PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, Android and who knows where else, they can live without Apple’s taxes and most of their users have another device they can use.