Jesse in Japan

Had TLOU2 come out in any other year, it would definitely be on this list. People just weren’t in the mood for that kind of super downer game in 2020.

You keep referring to evidence that simply does not exist.

The article mentions the existence of emails, but not their content. Of course there were emails between them; she was a reporter interviewing him and discussing writing his biography. I’m not suggesting they never met each other. I’m suggesting that the romantic aspects of their relationship might have been largely

They referred to “a fiancee?” No names? I’m not sure what kind of proof Elle could hope to receive. Are there any love letters? Is it possible that there was something between them, but she went off the deep end (stalkers can and often do start out as jilted lovers)? There is just so much that is bizarre about her

Can’t it be both, though? I don’t doubt that he led her along to get positive press coverage and more favorable treatment in court, but freezing your eggs for someone seems a bit extreme. 

Yeah, at the very least, they do not seem to be on the same page about planning a future together.

Is it at all possible that the whole “planning a future together” thing (and perhaps even the “sharing a kiss” thing) was all in Smythe’s imagination? I’m not trying to defend Shkreli, but even assholes (especially famous assholes) can have stalkers. And even journalists can turn into stalkers.

They don’t let you use Twitter from prison anyway.

13.14 Yuan!? That’s like, what, $2.10? They can do better than that.

Here’s a better question: why publicize it? Why not just let the games industry have their circle jerk amongst themselves? Let them have their fun. Nobody else should care. Same with movies and music. Let the industry have their fun and let the rest of us ignore it. The publishing industry has awards, but those aren’t

How could he possibly “skim” the headlines? Kotaku does not exist in physical media, so there is no way to cut or shave from the headlines or any other part of an article. Are you suggesting that he is printing the articles out just so that he can take a pen knife to them? That is absurd.

Thank you for including Dark in the list! More people ought to see Dark, and we deserve more shows like Dark.

You are free to love or hate whatever you want for whatever reason you want. Your own personal enjoyment of something is just that, and you should never feel a need to justify it to anyone. Enjoyment is just one aspect of what makes art good or bad, and it is highly subjective.

I couldn’t agree more. I would even go further and say that everything designed and/or made by a human being (even something like a chair) is “art.”

I’m still looking forward to playing it on the PS5 when it launches (assuming I can actually get my hands on a PS5 by then). It’s kind of a shame that they didn’t just wait for the next-gen consoles and skip the last-gen consoles, launching only on PC in 2020 (though that also would have caused quite a backlash). The

Oh, and while we’re on the subject of good-faith versus bad-faith discussion and debate: there are rules to debate. You make one point (maybe two points if brief) at a time and give the other side a chance to respond to that point. You do not go off on tangents (we are discussing the writing, not the gameplay; we are

And I’m not interested in arguments with someone who has not even played the game. I mean, what is your deal, man? Why do you go to such lengths to argue against a game you have never and will never play, based solely on summaries that you have read online? Why do you have so much hatred for Druckmann? I mean, did you

Oh, and in response to your deleted post: Do you honestly think that “influential” is the same as “intellectually challenging?” Ayn Rand’s ideas were influential exactly because of their superficiality. So were Hitler’s.

You have some very weird ideas about how much free time people have and how much of it they owe to you.

Wow, that must have made it really hard to go through doors.