Jesse in Japan

Watching should be free. I would pay to be an active participant, though.

Not to mention that GOP voters are less likely to vote at all if they don’t believe in the legitimacy of elections in general.

Dear Mark Zuckerburg: Your guy lost this time around and you are so fucked when actual regulators are installed.

I think that you are overestimating how much Secret Service protection costs. Also, any time FLOTUS travels anywhere, she has a security detail. Why is commuting to/from work any worse than going anywhere else? Or are you suggesting that FLOTUS should just be locked up in the White House 24/7?

Let’s face it: Boomers, people who are in their 60s and older (i.e. almost certain to be dead before global warming makes life unbearable), are never going to support the Green New Deal. They will figuratively eat their own grandchildren to stay fat in their final years.

Dating a Trump supporter is technically bestiality.

I think that hearing this case would be a bit of a stretch for Roberts. He has limits.

I dunno. I think that there really voters who are so low-information that they barely know anything about either Trump or Biden other than, “Oh yeah, I see him on TV sometimes.”

The kids are all right.

The cognition tests aren’t designed to measure into the negatives.

In Japan, you are required by law to get a car inspected three years after you buy it, then every two years after that until it’s about 10~15 years old and then it’s every year. The inspection alone costs hundreds of dollars (I’m converting to US dollars, same hereafter) and any problems that are found in the vehicle

Does Trump not understand that young children cannot vote?

The funny thing: this is the by far tamest shop in all of Kabukicho!

What Epic wants is very simple. They want to send a message to Fortnite fans saying, “Thinking of buying an iPhone? Think again.” This lawsuit is the cheapest and most efficient way of sending that message. It’s not about winning or losing the lawsuit; it’s a larger strategic move.

Oh come on, we all know the Republican Party has no future. That’s why they’re looting the country while they still can.

Damn, that cave diver guy should have taken Elon Musk to court in Thailand!

Make it a doomsday sex cult and I’m in.

All of these developers should just stop offering their apps on iOS. Then, people might come to their senses and stop buying iOS products, which are decent tech but with ridiculous fashion accessory prices.

It is far worse than you think. You know all of those Republican voters who were planning to stay home this year because they’re still not quite sure about this Trump fellow? Yeah, an open Supreme Court seat is going to get them to vote.

Every single person who voted for Trump or for any GOP senator has done a lot more to fuck America than RBG ever did. If you want to be mad at someone, there’s whom you should be mad at.