Jesse in Japan

No, she’s talking about Doctor Who, so it’s actually supposed to be “Who, Do You Love?” (Yes, I know that it should be “Doctor, Do You Love?” and everyone also knows that the Doctor is incapable of love, making the question moot.)

That’s not what Franzen says at all. In the article, he says that we should keep on doing what we can to fight climate change to delay and mitigate the catastrophe, but also plan for what to do after the catastrophe comes, because it is coming. He also says at the beginning of the article that feedback loops mean that

Dark is so good, it makes Stranger Things look mediocre. 

Do we really need the neo? Fascism never went away and a fascist is a fascist.

In 200 years, March will be Trump History Month. Because it’s the month after Black History Month and it’s longer.

He will take his rightful place in history next to Hitler, Stalin and Donald J. Trump.

The real question is: can the rest of the world block off Russia?

Those wacky North Koreans.

Now that this whole ordeal has gone viral, I’m sure she’ll be making six figures as some kind of “education and immigration expert” on Fox News in no time.

So what? Donald Trump lost a billion dollars, and he is a STABLE GENIUS.

There is no such thing as a Republican Christian. The two are mutually exclusive and the very idea is an oxymoron.

Christians in America face the worst kind of discrimination and oppression that a white man can imagine: being scoffed at for your beliefs!

Of course he’s a douche-nozzle. That’s literally what the (R) next to his name stands for.

The scary thing? In 20 years there will be a president who makes Trump look like George W. And people will get elected to Congress on a pro-Gilead platform.

And this guy wants to loosen up libel laws?

You’re right. It appears that the law was changed to allow longer prescriptions. However, for sedatives, sleeping pills and stimulants, the 30 day restriction is still in effect. 

Is it hilarious or just sad that Trump thinks Jews care that much about the embassy and the Iran deal?

Medications that require a prescription usually have a good reason for it and I doubt that many countries accept foreign prescriptions. In Hamp’s case, it was mainly an issue of smuggling, though.

Toyota’s Julie Hamp did not have a prescription. Or rather, she did not have a prescription from a Japanese doctor, which is the same as not having a prescription. Japanese doctors aren’t even allowed to give prescriptions exceeding 30 days’ worth of medicine. If you have a foreign prescription, you can bring in

It is very antisemitic to assume that Jews = the modern state of Israel and any criticism of Israel = hatred of Jews.