Jesse in Japan

I’m guessing the lawyers are not working on a contingency here.

As a professional translator, I always look at these kinds of articles with chagrin. I just hope the technology won’t mature until I’m retired, so that I can then enjoy using it to travel the world on a pension rather than learning a new trade. Luckily, with a language as ambiguous as Japanese (where sentence subjects

Fortunately, most banks will let you exchange mutilated currency for something that’s still fungible. 

Let’s be honest here. The people who voted for Trump and still support him are just disappointed that more brown children haven’t died on his watch.

Ironically, I thought that it could have been a decent Black Mirror episode if they hadn’t made it a “choose your own adventure.” If the story had just played out (with some of the fake-out endings as dream sequences), it would have held my interest more while also being more coherent. Somebody on Reddit made a

The woman on the left dressed up like the Statue of she trying to be ironic or does she think the Statue of Liberty is just a general symbol of America without any deeper meaning?

These people will not be happy until they have destroyed what’s left of the world so that the next generation can’t enjoy it.

You’re talking about prosecution by the state for criminal activity (HSBC), whereas I am talking about civil lawsuits. They are very different things. When a company is liable for copyright violations, they aren’t going to jail; they are going to be sued by the copyright holder. The government doesn’t grip the snake

I would certainly assume that all but the largest sites will simply cut themselves off from access originating in the EU to avoid running afoul of the law. Even the largest sites (Google, Facebook, Youtube, etc.) would probably have to offer different versions of their services for the EU (such as disabling or

The Democrats may not be doing much, but the Republicans are doing a lot of harm. Even if you give the Democrats a zero, you have to give the Republicans something like -10 for what they are doing. The right wants people to believe that both parties do no good so that we’ll ignore the harm done. First, do no harm is

Exactly! It is just like when a Malaysian Airlines plane flying over rebel occupied Eastern Ukraine accidentally fell out of the sky and everyone automatically said that it was Russia even though the only proof they had was shards of metal that could have just as easily come from inside the plane. People are so

He’s been called back to Mother Russia, where he will have no use for such things as a “Twitter.”

Nothing, because who is going to be around in 50 or 100 years to dig it up anyway?

Meh. Call me when it’s arsenic.

Sorry for nitpicking, but the headline here is overly optimistic. They are proposing action, not taking action. Action won’t be taken until the House, Senate and president (i.e. the people who have benefited the most from the propaganda in question) sign off on it.

Why the hell did they give him internet access back?

It’s kind of poignant how he really seems to believe that his daughter has a lot of elections in her future...

The kid’s gone from being a hero to the American Left to being a hero to the American Right, just like that!

It's obvious that he wants the chicken grilled, but at a temperature that is not hot enough to leave grill marks. How hard is that to understand? Salmonella gives the chicken its flavor.

I am angry at Assange’s supporters for their libelous remarks to the effect that Sweden, of all countries, would hand him over to the US to face possible execution. The disrespect that is being shown to Sweden, one of the most democratic countries on earth, is dumbfounding.