Jesse in Japan

From what I understand, because so many people want to do anime or video games, there's not much money in it. I've been offered those kinds of jobs and when I tell them my usual rate, they're like, "What?!"

You have to go through translation agencies. You send them your resume and they send you a test document to translate. If you do well enough, they will start sending you odd jobs now and then, but you really have to earn their trust before you can make anything approaching a living doing it. Also, your friend might

Which country? Also, how much are we talking about per word? I usually get 6 yen per Japanese character (which works out to 12 yen per English word) and that's as a subcontractor. I can easily do 3,000 words per day.

I am a translator (Japanese to English), but I never do books because there's not much of a market for Japanese authors in the west and you have to be a superstar with connections to do Haruki Murakami, etc.

Don't fall for it, London Police! It's not a statue, it's really him!

I realize that. You said that people are not fully comprehending "not contagious until showing symptoms," and I explained that the people who support quarantine are doing so with that exact understanding. If symptoms do appear, we can not predict when or where that will happen and that is exactly the reason why

Are you suggesting that there shouldn't be any quarantines at all, or just that the treatment that she and other healthcare workers should be receiving in quarantine ought to be better? These are two separate issues and I think that they should be treated as such.

And where will she be when symptoms do appear? The idea of a quarantine is to stop the spread of a disease before someone becomes contagious to begin with. If somebody is already contagious, that's called isolation.

Yeah, I think that she should focus on the issue of the conditions of her quarantine rather than the necessity of the quarantine itself. The conditions are atrocious, but she had to have considered the possibility of a quarantine upon her return at the slightest indication of being unwell.

I dunno. Maybe she's just from Texas. Then again, she doesn't really attempt to explain how she came to be married to a man whom she considers to be so beta...

Um...what's 3x3x4?

Engagement ring rules for normal people: An engagement ring should use stone(s) other than diamonds (diamonds can be used as accents if you insist) and should cost no more than two weeks' salary.

I cannot in good conscience consider living forever. The human population is already stretching the earth's resources to its limits while profoundly altering the natural environment. Adding (most likely wealthy) immortals to the mix would only exacerbate the already fragile condition of the human race as a whole.

Best line to come out of Season 4 of Arrested Development: "Ninja please!"

There's hating Japan (which, yes, always) and then there's batshit insane hating Japan (under Park).

Kind of funny when you consider that President Kim Jae-dung owed his life to Japan. Sure enough, the two countries got along pretty well when he was in power...

Hell, South Korea is cozying up to China (i.e. the country keeping the Kim Dynasty in power) for no other reason than a mutual hatred of Japan.

Korea didn't hate Japan nearly as much before the nationalist government of Park Geun-hye started fomenting anti-Japanese sentiments to distract from domestic issues plaguing Korean society. I'm sure that things will settle down once she is out of power.

I would have thought that Jamie Lannister would be able to shell out a bit more for a gift for his sister...

You try hitting and catching a ball flying at you at 140+ kph and then say that.