Jesse in Japan

I am going to ask you again, and seriously this time: "Do you know what 'playing the devil's advocate' means?"

Just to play the devil's advocate, if the Constitution had an amendment that said, "Any woman who becomes pregnant after having already given birth to a child shall be compelled to have an abortion," would you consider yourself obligated to support that amendment because you also support the Second Amendment and they

Just to play devil's advocate... you do know what playing the devil's advocate means, don't you? A devil's advocate argument would be something more along the lines of: "How many terrorist attacks would NSA spying have to prevent for you to accept it?"

Snowden couldn't have hurt me because he did nothing more than reveal something that has been known, and I had assumed was widely known, for over a decade. If anything, Snowden revealed that US surveillance-gathering activities are not quite as bad as I had imagined.

As a professional translator doing mostly legal documents, instruction manuals and really technical documents, I would love to do games or anime, but you gotta go where the money is...

Do the people voting not understand what the word "influential" means? Or are they just basing it on influence in terms of their own lives?

Why do the Korean subtitles still say "Steve Jobs?" Is it spoken?

I am staunchly against whatever this article says!

God, Dawoody's Japanese is terrible. You're making Google Translate look good.

Bring Philip Seymour Hoffman back to life.

Sorry, I often hear is what I meant.

I often here people say that my profession, translator, will be replaced by robots, but I don't see that happening until I'm already retired. Machine translation just can't understand context or nuance to produce natural language.

2 dollars and I would buy it. 3 dollars and I would consider it expensive. 6 dollars just makes me laugh and laugh.

It's like a car wash, but for your body, duh.

I think it's really sad that people feel a need to attach Einstein's name to words to give those words meaning.

I'm kind of on the fence about this one. No. 4 is a huge red flag in my book. In the hiring process, even the slightest hint that you want to limit the amount of work you will do (and, as they say, they are class oriented) is tantamount to saying that you won't be a dedicated worker.

I hate to rain on everyone's parade, but is Pornhub really indicative of all of the porn-viewing habits of Americans?

Screw diamonds. Give me sapphires, rubies and emeralds any day.

Or, you could just play Xenogears twenty times over. That's what I would do.

I'm more interested in the fact that Darth Vader IGNORED a memo published just one month before the destruction of the Death Star entitled, "Rebel Alliance Determined to Strike in Death Star." Obviously, the whole thing was a false-flag conspiracy to get the rest of the Empire on board for the planned invasion of Hoth.