Jesse in Japan

Sometimes, a guy likes to keep going after he's already cum but he wants to keep it a secret that he's already cum and then he'll fake orgasm at an appropriate moment.

Sometimes, a guy likes to keep going after he's already cum but he wants to keep it a secret that he's already cum and then he'll fake orgasm at an appropriate moment.

I understand and appreciate your right to go to the bathroom whenever you need to. That said, it can be a little hard for a guy to get it back up after a couple of minutes without the right kind of stimulation (the hand doesn't always do the trick when you're going from vagina to hand).

How could you leave detonating a nuclear weapon off of this list? That would totally screw up your sex life if you did that.

Again, "per capita." What you're saying is like: "China, as a nation, eats 25 times more rice than South Korea. Therefore, Chinese people like rice 25 times more than Koreans."

People in North America have been getting pissed off about later console launches for ages. The difference is that Sony is a Japanese corporation. Imagine Apple launching their iPhone 5s or the next iteration of their iPad in Asia 3 months before they launch it in North America.

At this point, I have to assume that you're just trolling. But in case you're not, look up the term "per capita."

Isn't he a little old for a cheerleader? Maybe if it were a porno...

They have been known to release Western games in the original English rather than wait for localization.

America has nearly 3 times the population of Japan. Europe has about 4. Do the math before you post.

I was going to buy a new PS4. Now I am going to make a point of buying one used. I'd rather give my money to Book-Off than Sony at this point.

The New Year's season is an enormous shopping season in Japan. Especially since children (up to around 20) get loads of cash from relatives during the New Year and not all parents make them put all of it into a bank account for their future, etc.

You make some good points, but if Apple said, "We're releasing the new iPhone 5S on September 20 in Southeast Asia and on December 20 in North America and Europe," how would people look at Apple?

What are you basing that on?

It's 3 months. The PS4 will do well in Japan, but it won't do as well as it could have and this whole situation is only exacerbating Sony's already tenuous relationship with Japanese consumers. I'm talking bigger picture here; people will remember this kind of thing when they decide what TVs or digital cameras or cell

It's understandable what Microsoft is doing. I mean, this has never been a big market for them. What Sony has done, on the other hand, is a betrayal.

Wait, so you don't even need to be a UK or Commonwealth citizen to take the UK bar exam?

How can you put somebody on a list if you don’t care about them?

Either put some time and thought into the story, or just do away with the story entirely. Far Cry 3 is the only game I can think of that would have been better with no story at all than the story we got.

Are you kidding me? Norwegian Wood was a horrible bastardization of Murakami's novel that cut out the most important parts of the book.