Jesse in Japan

Not to sound cynical or anything, but are you guys sure that's

In order to be a good translator, you need to have excellent writing skills in the target language.

Duh, a kilogram is the mass of refined sugar that you need to incinerate to generate 17,011 calories, which is enough energy to raise the temperature of a 12 oz serving of Coca Cola (the kind made with cane sugar, not that HFCS stuff) by exactly 1.107 degrees Centigrade.

That's not what they're for at all. They're to trick enemies about the locations of actual forces and get them to waste precious time and expensive munitions shooting up a bunch of balloons. It has nothing to do with making Russia look more powerful.

Sorry Aliens, but the Second Amendment to the Constitution (broadly interpreted) guarantees every American the right to own nuclear weapons.

@urfe: You're telling him to go all the way to Soga just for a burger at Bekcers? They're a national chain, man. If you're gonna get on a train for a burger, you might as well go to the Burger King in Funabashi.

Each copy of this game comes with a randomly selected poster featuring one of AKB48's members. Collect all 48 posters and you can win a chance to shake hands with the member of your choice (*from among the three or four choices we give you)!

What are trophy wives supposed to do with that?

@floobie: You could not be more wrong about the Japanese character sets. Kanji, hiragana and katakana all serve specific purposes and are all used in every imaginable format of textual communication.

Karigurashi no Arrietty was really lacking in story. It was beautifully animated and had lovely music, but there was just nothing actually happening onscreen.

Damn, that is nasty. This article should be labeled NSFW.

His lawyer passed the Japanese bar exam, one of the most difficult-to-pass exams in the world (99% fail rate), to come up with that lame-ass defense?

That's what name tags are for.

@bobbobato: And then there're fan-fiction novellas, which would bring the count to three trillion.

The girl in the first picture has some interesting reading material. Western Civ?

@Bubbleman!: I would say it's as good as MGS4. It truly is everything that a PSP game can and should be, that's for sure.

Countries which weren't created by cobbling together a bunch of former colonies made up of communities with many different languages and cultures; i.e., countries in which everyone has always only spoken one language as a matter of course, there isn't really a need to go to the trouble of legally establishing an

Damn, that's like 10 time what I get paid to translate that crap.

@tim rogers: Did you have a BA or higher degree when you did?

It's not true that just anyone can live in Japan. People with working holiday visas can only stay for a year (and not all countries have WH agreements with Japan) and for most kinds of working visas, you need to have a college degree. It's very hard to get a visa without a college degree and, depending on where you