Jesse in Japan

@ubikblack: I believe that it was either the pilot or the second episode. It was at the very end of the episode and it was one of those weird fade-to-black things.

@ubikblack: I believe that it was either the pilot or the second episode. It was at the very end of the episode and it was one of those weird fade-to-black things.

@ubikblack: No, I'm talking about the guy in the bowler hat and all-around 19th century clothing in the very first episodes. I don't think that was his father. Him seeing his father and thinking it was a hallucination came later.

I want to know what happened to Jack's father. I also want to know, just out of curiosity, who that man in the suit whom Jack saw in the very early episodes was.

Price cuts are especially necessary in Japan. 8,000 yen (about 95 of your American dollars) for a new game is ridiculous.

Coming soon, the new DS flavored Tic Tics with butter!

This is a very common problem, actually, but I've found that the best solution is to tattoo both the lover and the twin sister with slightly different barcodes in a place that neither of them notices or is aware of.

I love the fanboy argument that's going on in the thread on that blog. See, Japanese people really are just like us.

Let's not forget that there's a Russian warhead on an MIRV on a missile somewhere that's still programmed to land (with a 50% probability) within 600 feet of this guy's apartment.

Why does everyone just assume it's a fake?

I'll actually be in Tokyo (or Yokohama) on Monday, so I might just head on over. I'm sorry if I missed this before, but is there a cover charge to get in? Some (most) of those places in Shibuya are just ridiculous.

@sat0pi: So, basically, the best thing to do is just register with as many agencies as I can and keep taking on small jobs until I've worked up a positive reputation and, eventually, the bigger jobs will come?

@bakagaijin: People don't look for translators on Mixi, but there are communities for translators and you can make connections. And then, every once in a while, I'll get a random request for a translation. I don't make a lot of money that way, but it's a start.

@sat0pi: 200+ dollars an hour for how many hours? How big of a chunk of this project have you been assigned? How often do projects like that come along? I've done freelance translating work at 50 or 100 dollars an hour, too, but all of that only adds up to a couple of hundred dollars a month. Am I looking in the

@bakagaijin: Why don't you try looking around on mixi? I've gotten a lot of freelance translation work through mixi and every once in a while you'll do a job for somebody who knows somebody.

I'd like to add one thing I've learned: many companies outsource the translation/localization part to smaller companies that specialize in that. So if you just want to go the translation route, you will probably find yourself not actually working for the game developer directly and the pay, though better than an

If you like pineapples, you'll love mangoes. And no, that is not some kind of innuendo. I really love mangoes. You can get them for 300 or 400 yen each and they make a damn good dessert just by themselves.

Sweet. I can make a ton of money buying those games and reselling them on eBay to perverts in America.

Did she say what kind of cancer or how far along it was? They have very good facilities for treating cancer here, so if they caught it early, I'm sure she'll be fine. If they didn't catch it early, she's still got a chance. Keep up the hope.