
I haven't seen it, but that's only because it's like looking at the sun. You can't look directly at it because it will blind you, but you know it's there, radiating glory just the same.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

"Don't do murder in the bedroom, kids. That's what industrial parks are for." THE MORE YOU KNOW.

My husband is the king of pj pants and sweatshirts and has always loved when I wear comfy wintery clothes. He is from Minnesota. I think that helps.

I think the Eagles were referencing the wrong chain, as they fell more like Domino's in front of the Broncos offense.

Eagles defenders will look back on this day with fond memories, and say to one another, "Remember that time we made fun of that Papa John's guy and then he totally kicked us in the taint? That was too funny!"

The Eagles' defense also did their best impression of a Papa John's pizza, by being cobbled together from unwanted parts and disappointing everyone involved

This comment along with the Flip the News story has me imagining a Christmas Story remake where Ralphina is constantly warned "you'll shoot your vagina out!"

But sometimes isn't it kinda nice ... I mean being a for REAL grown-up and going though life doing things like saying "No" to that second glass of wine because you have to drive home later, and you have sensible conversations about gender equality and how NO ONE should be subjugated and you are just being reasonable

Honestly, I would rather see a fit guy in shorts. Wieners don't do it for me. They remind me of Mr. Snufalupagus from Sesame Street.

I know lots of dudes who are grossed out by vaginas. But none of them are married to women.