
I could imagine the foot smelling better than when I got a mole cauterized off of my arm, the hair burning masked any BBQ-esque smell in that situation.

I like the fact that she's an actual artist for Joni, but why not the other singers?

All I can think of is the smell charred flesh from of burning your feet with cigarettes. Yuck.

Awesome! We need more smart ladies to help educate the younger generation about the free & cheap care available to young women (and men too). I was lucky to have a mom who was really adamant about supporting PP and educating me about BC & other things that young girls need to know...

She went for biker chic. She failed. I do love the details on her skirt though... I would wear the shit out of that leather pencil skirt.

I learned to be really careful with nonprofits. I'm a struggling college student and can't afford to donate a lot of cash to PP, but I donate a lot of time to them in the Summer. They have helped me a lot and I know I need to pay it forward.

That made me laugh so damn hard! Semen shouldn't taste that bad... maybe have your man eat more pineapple & other fruits and less meat. I dated a vegetarian once... he had some great tasting semen.

To think of how much money has been spent on the election. We could have fed & sheltered a lot of hungry, homeless people. I guess that's democracy.

Damn, they really are aiming high, the lowest "multiple choice" (for lack of a better phrase) donation is $250, minimum is $5. I donated $10, I just hope I don't get email bombed...

Me neither. But your name is the great!

I want whatever drugs Ke$ha's got...

I wish I could get a baby gibbon to terrorize my cat. He's so cute!

It would be nice to have a sound poof room for kids on international flights. I have ear drum problems, so I know the pain most kids are going through when they are screaming their heads off on the plane, but it still gives me a headache and sometimes homicidal thoughts.

This will sound really stupid, but I'm tired of pretending that I know what it is so here goes...

Apparently since they are able to locate the gene/marker for breast cancer, it is very common now. Knowing her, she wouldn't do something unless it was 100% recommended.

Thank you, I will channel positive vibes your way too =)

Yeah, I don't know anything about that stuff, I didn't know it was a common procedure until I read up a little bit on it. I guess if they saw something then they'd take them out. She's in good hands, going to California to a plastic surgeon that specializes in this procedure.

I think I weigh less now than I did in high school. My eating habits are much better, that's for sure. But I think everyone in our position can admit that they probably weren't taught how to eat the right way... I know one thing, my kids are never going to hear the word diet. Ever.

I hope not... as of now everything is paid for through insurance. But I know they can pull dick moves like that.

"Growing up, I was always fat. Not as fat as I am now, but never, ever skinny."