Anybody try a "Dining in the Dark" event? It's where they put a blindfold on you and your waiter helps you eat and drink. I haven't tried it but it sounds like fun.... at first I thought that's what you meant.
Anybody try a "Dining in the Dark" event? It's where they put a blindfold on you and your waiter helps you eat and drink. I haven't tried it but it sounds like fun.... at first I thought that's what you meant.
I bet Oprah's garden is fricken pimp... I bet she doesn't do the gardening either.
Bilingual kids are so cute!
How does she deal with the pain... that looks really sore!
My Magic Mike dreams were crushed when I saw the movie.
I saw it firsthand with my friends' kid. It might not work with every baby and I'm sure they had some baby talk here and there. It's hard to not do baby talk to babies or even animals for that matter, but they tried really hard to talk to him as an adult from the start. Every baby / family is different though. I will…
My friends did it, their baby is now 16 months and speaking in almost complete sentences.
Anybody who believed their baby could read before they learn to talk or walk is an idiot (sorry if you bought it). But you actually can give your kids a leg up in the world by reading to them and not talking to them in baby talk. That baby sign language is the shit though... I met a baby that signed and she even said…
I second!
Nothing freaks me out anymore... shit's going to go down... fact of life! I'm excited for my dirty thirty... it rhymes. But 27 is more of a whew I made it rather than a milestone
Judging strictly by their designer perfumes, Oscar De La Renta smells like an old, rich white lady... just saying...
I totally forgot about all of the Lisa Frank shit I had as a kid. Thank you Doug, I'm all reminiscing about my past and secretly trying to find Lisa Frank stuff for adults now... I liked her dolphin stuff but the cheetah cub was always my favorite! In regards to the dolphins losing sleep... it's more the military's…
God I hope so!
Unfortunately, there are many people that agree with them.
"I'd Michael Moore that place" made me laugh so hard. Thank you for that.
So I guess that Bukake party I hosted over the weekend was a waste of my time....
I don't know why but I read Nathan Lane as Michael Cain... much funnier. And to think Jezebel is kosher restaurant! Must try when in NYC again.
Best article title I've seen in a long ass time! Bravo Lindy!
Lets all give Google Images a round of applause. All I did was type in Nigel Barker shirtless, and this is what I got. The internet gods are good today.
I don't see the logic in watching if you can't see Nigel's fine ass. That picture gave me a severe case of whatever the female equivalent is of blue balls. Happy fucking Friday ladies.