I don't condone this sort of actions by the police... This is a dangerous article and more than likely causes more problems then it solves.
Why is this even news?
Good for him
Still shocked Boston fans didn't make the cut... Seems impossible.
I saw the Knicks on his list. Must be a typo....
At least she was honest lol
Well done
Ya OK dude. Lawrence Taylor was one of the best football players to EVER play the game. Watt is awesome and I love everything about him. But he hasn't even come close to being as good as LT. LT Changed defense and the entire game of football.
You can't know every ones intentions, but you seem to know every white persons intentions.... On facebook no less LOL... Is that not racist????
Maybe the police should just use whistles and hope that crime stops on it own. Don't you think you're being a little critical here? Guy slaps the cops hands away.... Doesn't listen resists the entire time. Should the cops just let him go? You're doing disservice to everyone reading this by stating it's OK to…