
Nah, you could get a cunt-punt though, for acting like a massive pussy on the web.

You're a disgrace. Please, leave.

But isn't a console beyond par with PS3/X360 enough for a company that values gameplay more than graphics? Considering too that graphics today are amazing, I feel that there is no need to further improve on texture quality and rendering. The WiiU, spec-wise, is very capable to put out a LoZ-title that will make mii

Hey, it's the Rainbow Classroom Apocalypse!

That video is now on repeat. Thanks, I was only trying to be productive today.

Who knew Mr. Stark was that fabulous?

I find it funny how these people that try to be different do so to fit into a group. It's quite counter intuitive to their stated goal, and always makes me feel like calling them out on their hypocrisy.

"Hey, Referee Mario, I like your hair."

Looks good, might be a reason to get a Vita. I hope they fixed that horrendous laugh though. *shrug*

Well, she's gorgeous, hilarious and she clearly knows her way around molding and sewing. She's not the best, sure, but cosplay isn't a competition. I would hope that most of her fans were there for the costumes but sadly, she has two fantastic assets that make that more or less an impossibility.

That's the Yellow Devil, you toon!

If I had a livestream focused on my arms there, you would see the hairs standing on edge. Megaman to SSB AND announcement of Mirrors Edge 2? E3 has already satisfied me and I didn't even have to pay for it! (yet)

This is giving me all kinds of giggles, and another reason to save up for a U!

Two founding members of id are combining Doom with Doom. The twist? It's an expansion for Duke Nukem Forever.

What do you mean "you people"?

My thoughts too, the future world there is creepy!

Don't diss on ma Phil!

I got scared shitless by Slenderman before it was mainstream. MarbleHornets still gives me nightmares, Slender (the game, that is) is nothing compared to the psychological side to the meme.

My favorite bow-action will always be the Fable-series. It's just in a league of it's own for my style of play and the bows in there kick absolute ass.

Ever laughed really hard and read the word "castration"? My joy of laughing suddenly turned into a mix of terror and distress. *shivers*