
Deadspin(RIP) and Kotaku are sister sites under the same network of sites. Never much tried to rip myself off, but I suppose it’s a doable thing.

Out of curiosity, what games are more your style? Most games require some form of pattern memorization and while I get your point about wanting a save point at the boss, it’s a fair small sample of Souls games bosses you have to really work hard to get back to. Most of them are just a quick sprint.

My girlfriend walked in while he was in a scene. She stopped short, looked and said, “Is that Rickety Cricket?? Why isn’t he... Cricketing??” And I knew exactly how she felt.

Do I need to get over my need to take sides in Odyssey? I got it on a sale so it’s not a big deal if I never get back to it, but besides it being overwhelming(knew this going in, still took the dive) I get stuck in moral quandaries with every damn mission that comes available. I want to be at least somewhat good/on

Is this the same kinda promise as "Obama phones" that credulous twits like yourself believed in way back when? Get the fuck outta here.

They don't know what the fuck they're saying.

Honestly, shut the fuck up. People are capable of feeling a way about a thing personally while also acknowledging their experience isn’t the only experience going. Your ridiculous tsk tsk’ing is more annoying than anything in the above article is offensive. Cream up your chapped ass and do something useful.

My girlfriend has never been out for dinner on Valentine's day and I've been trying to explain to her each year that she's missing nothing but the theatrics, the majority of which can be better executed at home. No matter how much pride the staff take in their jobs, nobody wants to be cooking for/serving other couples

I’ve resigned myself to the reality that I likely won’t see a PS5 sitting under my TV until much, much later this year if not 2022. It’s crazy and it’s annoying, but letting go of the hope has made it somewhat easier *sobs* somewhat... easier...


Kong V Godzilla isn’t the same director, hence it may not be as awesomely madcap as Skull Island is.

I use this whenever I make baked chicken wings and even before saucing you don’t notice any flavor that shouldn’t be there. A normal salt and peppering will be more than enough to mask it. Goof up and grab baking powder, however...

I have to repeat myself constantly to my very adult girlfriend because she’s constantly buried in her fucking Facebook feed. It isn’t just kids, Charlie.

As an adult, why do you have to “watch out for” playing games, or doing anything, really, too much? Is it getting in the way of your work, health, paying bills, etc? If not, then what’s the issue? I have gamed way, way more during this past year than I have in my entire adult life, but it’s not affected any of my

I’m approaching 50 and my girlfriend loves when I plug in for a few hours. Kids aren’t the only ones who need ways to escape from the current situation and being jammed together with the same person 24/7 like we have been requires some extra escape hatches than usual. I am dead sick of TV and can only read for so long

I think you’re the one reading into it that the wife caused the stress. 

If you’re working that many hours a week you’re just plain stupid, stupid.

I think you don’t understand how reading works.

When open world games jam in so much bullshit that the player loses track of the beats of the main story, that's a problem and it's a problem many, many, many open world games fall victim to. As a concept I love the idea of open world games but the wall of tedium so many of them present in an effort to provide content

It was a good game if you squinted a lot. It was also SP which I think scratched a whole pile of itches. Past that, yeah. I went through the whole story and enjoyed it, but I haven't revisited it since the credits rolled and just deleted it the other day. I didn't even remove it to make room for something else.