
Wouldn’t his weapon already be whipped out in this case?

If you do some googling, there are recipes for that flavor mix. The only oddball’ish ingredient was citric acid, if I recall, which you can get pretty easily off the internet and maybe even your grocery store wherever they sell pickling stuff.

Serious Eats is truly the “Simpsons did it” of the food world.

You can just use baking soda. No need to use lye. I’ve made soft pretzels a ton of times and have never even come across the idea of using lye on them.

Serious Eats has you covered!

What kind of temperature are you trying to cook an egg at? I have several cast iron pans, two Lodge. The big one I seasoned, the little one I do most of my egg frying in I didn’t bother with for whatever reason. I may have just gotten lucky both times, but eggs only ever stick to either if a) bits of something I made

I’m pretty sure our great grandmothers didn’t fuss that much over their pans.

I’ve only ever seasoned any of my cast iron pans once and just oil it up a little bit after I wash it. I use soap from time to time as well. Has to be done. The author made this entire process more of a thing than it realistically needs to be. Cast iron isn’t as mysterious and difficult as people like to make it out

The first weekend of this when we went to the store, the entire ice cream section was wiped out. Even the bullshit elementary school ice cream cups that come with the wooden oar. I was flummoxed.

People are likely ordering by the pint or more, not by a scoop or a cone or that kinda thing. And as Cayde-6's pointed out, freezers, homie!

It’s been a good bit since I’ve fought him, but you can kind of firecracker cheese him pretty well through the first phase. In the 2nd, you can fish for the attack where he bellyflop slides at you, jump over and to your left, then slash him a few times before repeating that . OR... fish for the big hack, hack, way up

I think the only other of their games I’ve played is Last of Us Remastered, and I haven’t finished it. Not really sure why. Probably not the best option for right now. Heh... 

Did you play it while we’re suffering through ye olde plague times, or did it feel that way just because it did? It’s on my list of things to catch up on eventually, but I’m not shelling out for it if it’s dark and dreary. I have DS1-3 and BloodBorne to hold me over in that genre! I’m about halfway through Uncharted

The gorilla is incredibly frustrating right up until all of a sudden it’s not. It took me about 2 weeks of off-and-on sessions to finally work it out. Unless you are against it, just watch a  video to get an idea of what you need to do. I did that eventually but still learned to fight it “properly” in subsequent runs.

There are still Dynasty Warriors games available on PS4, not sure about Xbone. And it doesn’t look like these are remasters, either.

Have fun visiting friends and family in the hospital and/or going to funerals!

I think the Souls games are comfortable if you’ve played them a few times and know what you’re doing. You can kind of mindlessly work your way through and focus on something other than death and despair. If you’re totally or relatively new, though, ugh. I’ve been fucking around DSR a good bit and even though I’m

Finished up Uncharted 3 in the first two weeks of this whole thing and am now about halfway through 4. Yep, games like this are great at times like these. Or any other time, really.

Yep, podcasts have been my default for years now. Not sure why, but I prefer to listen to people talk more than I do music.

You can get standalone music players, likely with Bluetooth built into them but at the very least with a jack you can plug into anything with an AUX port. I have an old smartphone that is basically useless if it’s not on WiFi, but it can still play all the hits either BT or jacked into something.