Even a blind squirrel...
Even a blind squirrel...
I’m hoping for lumber jack games and/or strongman competition reruns.
That’s not not having the ability to take food to go. That’s deciding you’d rather eat in than take the food away. Two different situations, and not an argument for restaurants not making takeout-only a thing IF IT FITS THEIR SITUATION.
don’t have the ability to take food to go.
Eggs pickled in the juice left from the pickled beets.
Yep, that’s pretty much my move. I make some kind of protein I can use all week on Sunday, then keep veggies for salads, sides, etc so I can spin that meat up quickly into a few other things that aren’t exactly the same. Once in a great while I’ll toss something more impressive together, but there better be a good…
Find a recipe for something with Jameson in it instead ;)
Get the meat grinding attachment and make sausage!
Are you making this from scratch or from a box? Also, if from scratch, about well/long does it keep? On the very few times I’ve made falafel from scratch, it all got used up so I have no idea what the expectation is.
Pork loin(as opposed to tenderloin) is one of may all-time go-to roasts. I’ll get around a 3.5-4lb roast on a Saturday or Sunday, make it however I’m feeling, have it for dinner as a proper roast on Sunday, then turn it into several different versions of itself throughout the week. It works in wraps, salads,…
Are you as into cooking on weeknights, though? I love to cook, but on the majority of weeknights cooking can fuck right off. I save getting fancy, experimental, and adventurous for the weekends.
Have you tried this recipe? I’ve made it a couple of times, and it’s much more light and pillowy than typical gnocchi recipes I’ve made prior.
My girlfriend bought something like 4 cases of water yesterday specifically for this. Just water. I don’t even know what makes sense any longer.
I had to check to see if he was still alive. Fucker’s still kicking at the young old age of 94, still has diabeetus, and all his limbs!
If I had kept trying without making progress, I’d have quit on the game completely at that point, too. I still didn’t complete the whole game, though. Something else about it just wore me out, which hasn’t ever happened to me with Souls games, no matter how frustrating they become.
I love most dollar stores, but Dollar General is a lie. Hardly anything in there is a damn dollar! You’re right, though, that prices for some other things are often cheaper than they are at other “cheap” places. I always like to look around anyway. I can always rationalize buying something at a Dollar General that I…
According to other replies, yes. And this is likely to keep me from looking into this sequel, since it didn’t appeal to me in the original. I love getting loot, but the Diablo-eque system used here is way too overwhelming when you consider how complex the other game systems related to combat, jutsus, etc, are. I want…