
You know what does work to turn them white? Soaking them in vodka. Vodka is often the answer to many, many of life’s questions.

Seems like a waste of space to me. I’ve never had any mishaps while transporting groceries outside of a random broken egg or an apple that rolled out into the trunk. It just seems super nit-picky to worry about wrapped meat being in a bag with veggies for what is typically a pretty short ride from the store to one’s

In a Bloody Mary like normal human beings, you goddammed heathen!!!!

eating the stuff out of the jar off a knife.....

If you’re lucky enough to have self-checkout with a bagging area large enough to hold more than 2 bags at a time, good on ya. None of the places in my area offer this and it’s frustrating.

Why is this an issue? Baggers where I go are always trying to wrap the meat up in its own bag, despite already being in heavy duty plastic bags. I always tell them to bag it wherever there’s room. I’ve never had an issue with either leakage or cross-contamination. I suppose mileage may vary if you’re buying stuff on

I arrange mine on the conveyor, also. It’s usually pretty obvious to whomever bags if I don’t do it myself, but sometimes it fails. However, I’m mostly concerned with the bags being packed to what I refer to as “hauling efficiency.” Depending on street parking when I get back, I may need to haul things a bit of a

Look! It’s a moron!

Is Grim Dawn worth taking a flyer on? I’ve had it on my Steam wishlist forever and it seems to go on sale pretty regularly. Never seem able to pull the trigger, though.

Palate is the one you’re after when referring to mouth stuff. English is a pain in the ass sometimes.

Did he try to get one of the roles at some point? He’d have been a pretty interesting Bruce/Bats, though I think after seeing him chew scenery as Negan, I’d rather he be a villain.

Looks more like Tweety Bird after a coke and booze bender.

Had the same issue when I read that. Didn’t bother with much of the rest.

Not a horrible position to find oneself in!

Drink a lot of wine while you make it. Everything seems easier after about the 3rd glass.

My step-monster made these for me for the first time as a kid. I was mesmerized by that damn golden flavor nugget for some weird reason. 

I rarely ever bake cookies, cakes, etc, but a few months back I got an overwhelming urge to bake some peanut butter filled chocolate cookies. It was quite a process. If non-baker me can pull that off with no casualties caused(to myself or the cookies!) you should be able to whip up a batch of no raisin oatmeal

Shut the fuck up.

I make homemade pizza about every other month. This may have to happen when I make it next month.

A bartender shouldn’t give you stink eye for not ordering drinks, particularly if you’re ordering food. They’re going to get tipped either way. I recently quit drinking for a while, but still meet friends out at bars and order diet soda. I’ve not had any issue with any bartender treating me like a 2nd class citizen