Just FYI, Baracka up there is a known shit-stirring troll. Better they starve than be thrown any form of sustenance.
Just FYI, Baracka up there is a known shit-stirring troll. Better they starve than be thrown any form of sustenance.
I’m no lawyer
The only time it matters to me is if I’m making a giant vat to be consumed with a group of friends. At that point, I’m showing off and want that chili to be as decadent as possible. If I’m making it for me to eat for lunch throughout a week, I’m going lean.
It’s musical... the musical fruit. The more you eat, the more you toot.
Qunoa doesn’t belong anywhere near chili.
I’ve always argued this point. Lean meats work just fine in chili if you go the extra mile with some other parts of the stew. Roast the veggies, mix up your own spice mix, if you use beer at all use something good, etc. The meat is really the only part of chili that leans it one way or the other in terms of is it…
I always get a straw with mixed drinks as a tool to stir the booze/water from melted ice together before sips. No straws otherwise.
Is breakfast chili a specific recipe, or standard chili eaten during breakfasting hours? Because if the former, I need more information, please.
It’s a strange sickness. I live not far from State College and when this whole thing finally came out, it was difficult to talk to people around here. For folks who went to and graduated from the school, I can almost sorta kinda get it if I squint real hard. But when simple fans of the football team are willing to…
Shut the fuck up. You dumb fucks who want to martyr Paterno for this are the fucking worst. Dude had more power than god in State College and chose to do jack shit. Some fucking hero he was.
I’ll add this to go along with it, The Dollop, Episode 87 - Action Park!
They knew about the allegations before last Sunday but still played him.
At least OP is better at making points than you are at getting them.
A friend turned me onto this podcast about two months ago. It’s so damn good.
I’ve never worked in a kitchen where music wasn’t played.
Brady complaining about other QBs getting flags on questionable roughing the passer calls is laughable because Brady benefits from these types of questionable calls constantly. Something tells me you’re purposely missing the point.
I tried to leg this one out because it got me curious. From a very cursory search, Olive Garden has a variety of stuffed PASTAS, none of which are spaghetti. It’s all stuff you’d expect to be stuffed like ziti and ravioli.
Counterpoint: Sunflower kernels are perfectly fine on a salad. They add a nutty crunch that elevates the entire experience.
I only really give a shit about using M/KB if I’m playing multi-player shooters, which is vanishingly rare these days. If it’s single player, I’m kicking my feet up on my couch and running and gunning with a controller. I’ve spent more than enough time hunched over a desk shooting pixels over the years.
I only really give a shit about using M/KB if I’m playing multi-player shooters, which is vanishingly rare these days…
I grabbed the Pre-Sequel when it was free on PS+ the other month. I’ve enjoyed the hell out of the first two BL games, but holy shit did Pre-Sequel piss me off with that bullshit. I just gave up on it and likely won’t ever go back.