Shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up.
This is frightening.
Way to sneakily hide the “hit by conveyance” Provision of Lists.
And with that, I’m switching to Scotch.
Oh, neither would I! I’ve already intimated I’d shit myself before I even had a chance.
Web swinging in Spider-Man is one of the best video game experiences I’ve had in a while. My partner is not at all into video games, but she saw me playing one morning and asked if she could try it out. Was a bit of rough going until she got the hang of it, but eventually I had to bribe her to get the controller back.
I’m a whole 3 inches taller than you and my only hope would be that they’d all lose sight of me and I could sneak out the yardage needed, then drop to the dirt like a sniper took me out to avoid anything remotely like contact.
Well, I was close on the “smoked” bit :) That looks fantastic. Can these also be baked? I’m an apartment-dweller with no smoker or grill, sadly.
Your Sekiro skills don’t waste away all too quickly. I took a long break and started a new game a few weeks ago. I was halfway through the game in much, much less time than I was on my first run. I took a break to play Spider-Man :)
Counter play. Defense bites, you (hopefully) scoot around the end for the couple of inches. Works every time!!! *for professional athletes who run sub-4.5 40 yard dashes*
What is a breakfast fatty? My idea of this and what you’re talking about are likely two very different things.
Five six takes a two!
Roughly 18.
Getting a first down doesn’t have to require running for a full 10 yards. It could be just a few inches depending on the situation in-game. I’d never want to consider the attempt as I know I’d shit myself before I ever got into the huddle.
Yeah, that’s some dumb shit. I also dislike when liberals/Democrats use terms like “rethuglican.” It may be fitting, but it makes one seem juvenile.
This has to be satire.
They plan to. At least until that O-line gets him crinkled up and thrown in a dumpster in week 3 or so. They need a shitty backup plan for the already shitty backup plan.
A guy recently introduced himself and I missed the first couple of consonants of his name, only heard, “—ad.” I said, “What’s that?” and he replied, “Brad.” I was relieved, but only minimally.