
That up there’s a troll.

This is beautiful.

Had to look it up to jog the brain. We didn’t get much in the way of donuts when I was a kid, and that was downtown whereas Dunkin or Mr. Donut were closer. And my stepdad was a cheap fucker. My real dad would go after them now and then, though. Smith’s hot dogs, Troyer’s Chips, and pepperoni balls, though, are all

On the rare occasion I buy croutons intending to use them in salads, I end up eating the bulk of the bag as snacks and only getting about 1 - 2 salad uses. They’re perfect for snacking.

Wholly an American thing, not worldwide. 

Sure you would. The size alone would give it away before much of an inspection.

WTF?? Even when I was a disgusting, pimpled teenager piddling my pud, there are paper towels, tissues, wads of toilet paper. Who the fuck uses a sock???

Dude has a damn salad named after him, featuring one of the best dressings ever created. I’d say that gives him some claim.

The Steelers imploded? You’re a Browns fan, you should have a much better grasp on what an implosion looks like.

I’m not sure that’s age so much as it is all the crazy breaking through the surface.

Holy shit this awful, have a star! 

Who the hell needs customer service at a grocery store? I can’t think of any time in my 20+ years of grocery shopping that I’ve ever needed to call a grocery store for anything.

Those plastic ones can be fucked with in other ways, though. If you set a quarter up on edge, then quickly smack the bottom of the shaker down onto it, it’ll cleanly break the bottom. You then slide the shaker back to its usual position for the next person to use. When they pick it up, all the salt/pepper rushes out

That just hit my nostalgia bone hard. The one I went to also had one of those old projection screen TVs from back in the 80s. Had the red, green, blue bulbs in a floor case at the front projecting back to the screen. It mystified me when I was a kid.

This is a really shitty take, and I’m not even a hunter. Not everybody who hunts does it in the manner of a Trump failson, or any other really rich people. Most of my not remotely rich family have hunted their entire lives because they like being in the woods and they like eating the meat of the animals they kill.

Nice. I grew up in Erie so spent a lot of time up and down 79. I miss that area of the state a lot, but have no real reason to visit much anymore.

I know! For either a band or a mass of future bacon, I’m totally into it! I was expecting it to be something boring like a herd or some shit. Nope. Sounder. Of. Swine. Perfect!

I looked up “pack of feral hogs,” and have learned that it can be referred to as a Sounder of Swine, which is both wonderful to say, and may be my next band’s name.

Fuck! Manzo worked for DeWeese, and I knew Manzo when he was just becoming the shithead felon we all know and love today. I may or may not live in The ‘Burg, and he may or may not have tried to hit on a long-ago girlfriend while I was obviously sitting right there with her at a bar that rhymes with Harrison’s. He was

An index finger wearing a hair net. The fuck is going on atop that man’s noodle???