That’s what I would do if I had a grill. Alas, I do not. It saddens me and makes summers more of a slog than they already are.
That’s what I would do if I had a grill. Alas, I do not. It saddens me and makes summers more of a slog than they already are.
Yeah, if it’s too hot out to grill, or you’re situation doesn’t allow for one, put them in the oven for 15 mins, shuck after. Silk comes right off. It was a damn revelation when I learned about this, and my corn purchasing went up from that point forward.
It’s almost like he wasn’t even Vice President in one of the most obstructed administrations in recent history or something. We’re all fucked.
Everything. But I’d still pay a premium to watch the bedlam ensue.
Yeah, you’re really laying it down here on an internet comments section. I’ll certainly never piss on public lands again!
Went to a local minor league game specifically for this. Joke was on everybody because it was so fucking hot, the dogs proceeded to just lay in the grass and do fuck-all for the entire bit.
I mostly agree as that’s been my experience with the one or two ultra-conservatives in my orbit. Still, I can’t help but think that if Our Idiot President goes deeply racist, his tacit approval could push a few of these booger eaters fully over the edge.
That’s because he forgot to put his dentures in before the segment.
These fuckheads are going to kill someone tonight, aren’t they?
Eh, depends on what you’re making. Some things come together very quickly. Just have to pick your battles and work from there. I made roasted chicken and chickpeas last night and from prep to hot from the oven, it was about 45 minutes.
How exactly do you think pizza shops have always done slices? Make them one at a time? They make par-baked slice pies. This has been how it’s done basically forever. They only make whole pies fresh. This should be pretty common knowledge.
I was just telling someone about this over the weekend. They look so fancy!
Tyson seemed to be high as fuck in the video, so even if it was mentioned I don’t believe it would’ve clicked.
Shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up. Your pedantic bullshit is useless.
Words to lave by.
Been shaving my head for 20+ years. Haven’t purchased shampoo since. I use whatever soap I’m using on my body to wash my grape. Though not after I’ve washed my body with it. That would be kinda gross.
Do you even know what a cuck is, you fucking mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, inbred moron?
Or your God King Trump’s, yeah? Just grab ‘em by the pussy? You’re a fucking moron.
You’re a fucking moron.