No spaz, just finding the AV Club's omission of info/blatant shit-stirring to fit a "stupid wypipo" narrative annoying. It's why I rarely visit anymore.
No spaz, just finding the AV Club's omission of info/blatant shit-stirring to fit a "stupid wypipo" narrative annoying. It's why I rarely visit anymore.
Does the A.V. now stand for Also Vulture?
The Internet already did this Ezra! THREE YEARS AGO…
This is actually funny. Good job teens.
Everything is bad and I want to complain about it, unless it fits my specific worldview where I am right and good and hip.
ppl r to hard on kev. it nots like he ever attempts more then hes culpable
Hm. What will teh internet will unto being next? hard too say
Will the birth of a natetion be able to transend its diredtores passed? it hard to say
Wat kinda MIB themesong would Raping Davy Shwimmer hav made??? I think itd go a lil' somthing like th
lamo i love too hav ever re: event filtred thru youtube styled parodee
not a fan of nick of time tbh
i thout when nero blue up volcan the new nazi federaton outlawwed women from captaning anythin but the emotins of our bbeloved heros?
mite b a minority opinin here, but i didnt thing it wa s britely coloured aids n motion or a apecs of grl power- i thou-ght it was a passible action comedy that i forgot i saw 2 weeks later,, an can bearly recal. like godzila an the setth roger xmas/hanucah movie with falcon ans snowden
these movies re a cancer on soicety. jus bc u like them bradly whitmore doesnt mean everyone shuld. be content wit you're opinin and conforttable with the fact tha t u like somethin thet 99$ of the planet hinks suckcs ok? fuck u 4 tryin to make ppl 'relearn' about the miriad of reasons u twistid ur braine into likin…
calark kent also died in zwan of justice so
to sell the samaris guns from civil war but not the mexican becus the mexian gun (the gun in the meixan movie) is modern (set in 2000) then he likes it they're in japan becus hes a drunk LOOSER in the USA
lest i chekced govt dont run schools
BRAKING NEWS: actor takes roll in movie when offered $$ and oportunity to work with cool directer