
the mexicane was a gun
the last samari was ken watabe

Star Trek Fourever

that was just… really not funny and had the cgi visulas of a kids movie. i relly want it to be goooooddddddd.. :(

paul russ wa s on celbrity big brojther?

ya i agree. im so sick of indians being misrpesented in jokes where the joke is a subvursins of stereotypes #boycotkimmy

tird of the hokim


ya but we gotta get clicks and ppl like debating abotu star warsd and disney paid us

u cant justify c3po bein anakins "chore bot' for his slave mom. that shit is beyong retarded. c3pos arms dont fucking move.

If her last name is s1m0ne im gona be pist.

everybody betray him (into thinking this is a god idea)

gotta cut poot some slack, she dont understand rights and just wants everyone too have a good time. noone vcares about sleigh bellsl anymore go backk to mazking beattapes for noisey

Gardians of theh galazy vol. 2 for the money

the scarest thing bout a card game is whn u see the box gat a cartoon sketch of a guy in a hood. that when u know u gon be there for for hours learning the rules aobout guilds and casting dices and what a magi is,

i think cabin teh woods way scary than crimson peek but not scary enough like THE GRUDE