Men would not tolerate this kind of thing if it involved their pets. Maybe you women should rethink this whole emancipation thing.
Men would not tolerate this kind of thing if it involved their pets. Maybe you women should rethink this whole emancipation thing.
Lets assume they really meant for this to happen. Punch away !!
That is the question. If you are Nike, do you play the game or do you let communism win? And why couldn’t it have been Skeetcher in the bidding process? What’s up with that?
Bill, you aren’t fooling anyone.
because it is
I suppose that is one interpretation.
Probably tired. Hopefully complacent and a good indication why young people don’t take to her. It won’t effect the traditional black vote as short of her appearing in a white robe, the marching orders have been given. You can’t fault a politician for being a politician and calling in three decades of relationships.…