I had the Pontiac 6000 version of that wagon. My kids loved the back seat. Only sold it because I got stationed to England and didn’t think that it would be the best vehicle to drive there. Nice Price for me.
I had the Pontiac 6000 version of that wagon. My kids loved the back seat. Only sold it because I got stationed to England and didn’t think that it would be the best vehicle to drive there. Nice Price for me.
Technically it’s a mixte frame. A good find for only $20. Lugged frames are rare anymore.
My passport is good until 2026 so I think I’ll wait a little while longer to renew it.
Back in high school around 1970 a couple of us removed a classmate’s driveshaft. He started it up; put it in gear; revved it up; popped the clutch; and nothing happened. Tried it a few times. Eventually he popped open the hood and looked around inside. We cracked up as the engine was running so what was he going to…
My daughter has a 2010 Soul nearing 180k miles. Aside from normal things like brakes, it’s only needed a transmission rebuild. It’s big enough to carry her family of five plus a dog. Great little car.
Tried to sell me a service package on a new car. Said that they would grease the suspension every oil change among other things. I asked how many grease fittings the car had and the sales guy said “lots”. The correct answer was zero. After a few other arguments, I not only didn’t get the service package, but I didn’t…
Flipping Bangers just has a Sterling on last night’s show. It was a 2 door but they sold it for about 2300 pounds Sterling or about $2900.
I owned a 1986 Tempo that looked almost exactly like this car. It was an OK commuter vehicle back then but no way worth that kind of money now. I also a 1994 2nd generation cousin the Mercury Topaz. It was probably the 3rd or 4th worse car that I’ve even owned and I’ve owned some POS over the years. The gas tank…
When the F-111 aircraft first came out they had somewhat of a self-destruct system. Instead of ejection seats it had an ejection capsule for the two aircrew members to escape. Of course the aircraft would be destroyed; however, the capsule still had classified equipment in it. So part of the ejection sequence was…
I use a very bright taillights on my bicycles day or night. LED and battery technology is so good now that a 1 watt taillight can be seen for a half mile in daylight and last for hours. These lights can be recharged in a USB port quickly between rides. When riding at night, I have two tail lights and two headlights.…
Beat me to it. An awesome movie.
I saw a Renault 5 club racing them at the Silverstone Circuit around 1990. It was hilarious watching them bounce around and off the track.
I owned a ‘72 Corolla and put over 100K miles on it with no major repairs. I even ET bracket drag raced the thing (19 seconds). Great little car.
The problem is distracted driving. I ride my bicycle about 4K miles a year and I’ve pretty much given up road riding except somewhere way out in the boondocks or on designated bike trails. The number of people that I see with a phone in their face while driving 50+ MPH and swerving all over the road is scary. I also…
I owned the same year car but with blue paint plus a 1978 Accord. Both were great cars back then. However neither would be worth that amount now.
I had a ‘62 Chevy Biscayne station wagon for my second vehicle. The primary was a Toyota Corolla. I live in New Mexico at the time and there were places where gas stations could be hard to find at the best of times. I got another gas tank at the junk yard and mounted it in the spare tire well with beer cans and wood fo…
Lipstick on a pig. I had the “opportunity” to drive and work on the Allegro (AKA Aggro - British for aggravation) when I was stationed in England.
That aircraft doesn’t have the ability to dump fuel.
My mother has a 2004 Ford Escort Wagon with only 38K miles on it. Garaged. It’s in OK shape with only the radio not working. I’d give $600 for it.
I’ve lived in places where the cops will pull you over if you use the turn signal. They think that anyone driving that carefully must be up to something.....