I feel stupid now. I wrote a lengthy report on that decision. Actually, I don’t feel stupid as much as a profound sense of despair that comes with being chained to a desk in an office watching my life go by in six minute increments.
I feel stupid now. I wrote a lengthy report on that decision. Actually, I don’t feel stupid as much as a profound sense of despair that comes with being chained to a desk in an office watching my life go by in six minute increments.
Which decisions did Picard lose? From when I was involved, it seemed as though he rode the wave to many a recovery. Doesn’t the fund have something like $11bn now?
George W. Bush was raised in Connecticut and Maine, went to Phillips Exeter, Yale and Harvard, and had a fake Texas accent designed to fool people into thinking he was a rube.
Different names? What, like Albert Burneko and his opinion on Tom and Jerry?
It depends. Are there any weird names? Perhaps a video with a fart sound? Something that could be turned into a pun?
9/11 Was Filmed In Burbank.
When reached for comment, David Blatt was...interrupted by LeBron James.
I’m guessing everyone in Boston will brave the storm.
Technically correct grammar. The best kind of grammatically correct.
This picture of Pop is why Drew should replace the haughty dipshit and emmitt smith portions of the funbag with a merger of Gregg Popovich thoughts.
This was why I and my pats fan friends were all rooting for the steelers last weekend.
I, for once, applaud your classmates’ dickish humor.
The Stanley Cup winning year was fate to torment all fans of the Whale. Karmanos and Rutherford can, with all due respect, fuck themselves with a broken bottle.
Shaq fat. Why fat, Shaq? Fat, Shaq, is back. How Shaq fat? Did Shaq have snack attack?
Wow, it’s clear who the Providence Mascot was modeled after.
great for dipping in stew. Need a lot of crust to balance the soggy interior of a full stew dip.
As a senior associate who doesn’t roll into the office until 1015 at the earliest, let me just say that your mom can fuck right off.
I’ve sunk a great deal of time into Rome II, but find myself continually going back to Empire.
To play as America, you should just download the Thirteen Colonies Mod, foment rebellion and side with the rebels. You then get the Stars and Stripes. The Mod itself doesn’t screw too much with the rest of the game other than making the colonies playable.
Gooooood. Let the hate flow through you. Join the dark side.