
It’s the art teacher. It’s ALWAYS the art teacher.

Correct. Much easier being an actual banker.

Ben, there are other ways to get a Slim Jim.


Fair enough, but the book in question was a translation of 16th century italian literature. So probably for the best we used his version.

That does take courage.

Far be it for me to look down on Bob’s comments, or give him short shrift, but it seems to me that he got up on that high horse all by himself and now must face the consequences of his short sighted and little-thought out comments.

Am I the only one expecting the dog to eventually get the tot?

As did I. I busted the guy’s balls about the profit he made by assigning the book (it was actually necessary) he came in the next class and gave us the $2.25 he made per sale. Pretty decent of him. The grade he gave me for publicly ridiculing him, was not.

You call them garbage.

Drew shoulda voted for the union.

Kurt Russell has played a character wearing an eyepatch in at least three movies. Great actor, or greatest actor?

Also, is cheesecake a pie or a cake?

Gary Betteman? Sepp Blatter?

Drew: We all know you want the current PC stuff to die down so you can BRING BACK ROLF THE NAZI SHARK!

Hey, which way to Walker Point?

This is the inevitable result of the misegenation of the muppets when Kermit and Ms. Piggy decided to procreate. Look on! Look on at what your apathy or socially progressive attitude hath wrought!

Fly high.


As a Wells ME summering dickhead, Congdon’s is the shit.

Actually, I think he’s signalling something about Derek Rose.

Fuckin cocksuckers.