
Hudson-Bergen Light Rail - which is definitely a street car. And you're right, the PATH is a subway.

I live outside NYC and USE a street car (light rail) each morning.

I'm just going to chalk this foolish comment up to your youth and inexperience.

In other news, Bierman's cable bill now reads "Asshole Butthead" in the address line. Dolan denies knowledge while snickering.

Hold out for a higher settlement amount.

This is fucking fantastic. +1

How else will I be able to readily identify my inherent superiority over worthless hipsters and beatnicks?

Good to know I can buy a hardcover copy of your book for less than $2.

As to your second point re: Damages:

The only by-product is a sore asshole.

A court will review the legislative history when the text of the statute is vague as to the issue being litigated. Thus, the 9th Circuit looked to the history in (among others - i would imagine, still haven't gotten around to reading the 9th circuit's decision) Flood Act when reviewing the San Jose issue. I would

It takes a team of people to fill in for the late Tommy Craggs apparently.

Point taken, but consider the fact that the media firestorm may have a substantial effect upon the team and their play come this sunday.

+1 Pete Carroll.

I'll allow it.

You forgot "WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!"

because they're fucking stupid.

You're both missing the point. The ads aren't about community ties, goodwill, or faceless corporations attempting to use signs relating to national or local events in sentimental manner as a marketing campaign. No, the ads were about a little something called, America. And in the America I grew up in, the America

I always thought it was called a Barium Pill?

GoodellStrong TM