
No, Tom, the threshold for an indictment is whether probable cause exists. Don't dumb it down to colloquial language. Probably cause = more likely than not. Not "may have". If there's going to be a rational discussion, let's at least try to keep it accurate.

That said, conflicting testimony generally results in

And what is the purpose of a grand jury, Tom?

Hey man, that Bonanza bus station is...well, the worst actually.

Also, putting the stadium in Foxboro in such close proximity to the wonderful denizens of the greater Fall River Area and Rhode Island was a masterful troll job as well.

Let's not forget that WWII is largely responsible for the post war boom in the US resulting in our current superpower status. Kill Hitler, and the US is no longer A#1. No, Hitler must live. Do it for...America.

Adrian Peterson's tool of choice.

Ownership is the only game in town, and as far as holding out, easier to unite 30 people than 450.

I respectfully disagree. It does matter. If the system is in place (e.g.: the infrastructure which supports the labor and provides labor the means to profit from labor) due to the investments of the owners, such should be taken into account. Players do not exist on an island. I hate to sound like a corporatist

Even if a single entity corporation collectively bargained a wage ceiling and floor with its workers, it would not meet the definition of collusive wage fixing - that can only happen when multiple entities conspire to restrict salaries, and do so in the absence of collective bargaining.

In this context, the levels are the result of collective bargaining between a corporation (the NBA) and its employees. So, if GM collectively bargains with its union employees (autoworkers) regarding the pay scales, and the employees sign the agreement free from duress or any fraud in the indicia, I would think GM

Which, of course, will follow a prolonged lockout and/or strike. Great times for everybody!

How would that be illegal?

This is excellent. +1

Now playing

Let people be people, man. That's the whole fucking point.

I wonder if Leitch is shaking his head somewhere.

Oh man, writing all of this has me crying like a lil' bitch! Shut up you fucking lil' bitch or I'll punch you in the face. I said stop crying you stupid lil' bitch [punches self]. Why won't you stop crying lil' bitch? [cuts own hair off, attempts murder of self but ultimately fails, again]

The Re-Placements

Stocks may currently return that. The point was dicknose wanted to put $20mm in a "simple savings account."

Carry the 2, and...we saved social security.

Where are you getting any interest on a savings account? That said, i guess 0.5% on 20mm isn't half bad.